Gemstarre tribe

The Textiles Tribe of the Continent; Made of the most skilled and boastful dogs of excellent craftsmanship, Especially when it comes to fashion. They design the more flavorful attire of the island, Crafting gorgeous silk drapes and fur coats, Flashy collars and shirts and exquisite jewelry, Their supplies courtesy of the Tribe Stoneflag. Dogs from this tribe tend to be boastful and vain, But not without reason; You’ll often find some of the most beautiful dogs in Gemstarre, while generally composed of more crafty breeds like Petite Jaros and Taiga Lions, Is mostly made of of Steppe and taiga gazals. The dogs of Gemstarre know they’re fabulous and make no problem flaunting their skills in the trade systems. Most fashion on the continent comes from Gemstarre.

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