Wacckoon's Bulletins

art fighf

Posted 11 months, 7 days ago by Wacckoon

putting this here :] 

im doing art fight this year!! If you are interested and are on the website heres mine!! https://artfight.net/~Wacckoon you should totallyyyy attack me if you are there 

I do humans/anthros/ferals/dragons etc :> also heres my attacks i did so far!! ill put them in art examples later but im proud of these and wanna show them off ajbdke



adopt wips!

Posted 11 months, 13 days ago by Wacckoon

non kny this time!!IMG_4105.png?width=630&height=612

let me know what you guys think!! <333


Posted 11 months, 27 days ago by Wacckoon

Hiii I forgot to do this but here's my boundaries for ocs or adopts of mine!

You may ask for pings on any of my characters for when or if they become UFO, even if they are tagged as forever homed!
Please do not overly sexualize my ocs, if we know each other that is a different story but most of the time I am extremely uncomfortable with it even if they are jokes
Do not fetishize and make comments over my oc's bodies as well, especially my trans characters as I like to have a variety with how they present themselves. My character's pronouns are always in their bios!
If you want oc interactions ask! I love them a lot!
If you want an ocxoc ship I will be a bit more picky with those, but they are all reserved for my mutuals!
You may resell any characters you get from me if you bought them, and if you didn't you still may do so if you have extra commissioned artwork of them!
Please do not delete my designs! If you priv them, please give me authorization to them!
If you decide to trade/sell them off sight please instead of deleting transfer the character back over to me and I will put them in my "sold offsite" folder, or simply change their profile to such
You may make NSFW content out of any of designs you get from me, as long as it is nothing problematic and you are 18+

I might add more later but rn thats all I got!!

Kny Fandom Rant

Posted 1 year, 6 days ago by Wacckoon

CW Proship mention/neg

I really don't like the kny fandom, I know this is a very common thing with all fandoms, especially anime fandoms but because kny is my main special interest I think it effects me a lot more.
People are so disgusting in this fandom, theres so many proshippers, bigots and everyone is so mean. I can't even find a cool artist without finding out they're a proshipper in this fandom, or finding out they made weird artwork of the minor characters.
Literally was just scrolling through a new artist I founds instagram only to find out they ship Tanjiro with Kyojuro... it makes me genuinely upset and disgusted, especially due to how attached I am to Kyojuro specifically. They also had weird artwork of Akaza/Douma with the trigger warning noncon on it, this fandom is ridiculous and its so shocking to me that there were ZERO comments commenting on this.
The worst part? Almost every kny artist I follow and are mutuals with me are followers with them, I feel sick. I hate this fandom genuinely, thats not even mentioning how they literally fetishized the gay ships they drew bc they unironically used the tag yaoi for most of those posts. Its so weird, I keep forgetting that people are serious about yaoi and don't use it as a joke </3

This fandom is also so weird when it comes to gay ships or even ocs, I remember when I posted Sadakuno to tiktok i got weird comments about him bc I ship him with Kyojuro. Same thing when I posted some of my ocs to kny discord servers some cool artists created.
The discord servers weren't homophobic like Tiktok was, instead they decided to make very sexual comments about my ocs without a warning which made me very uncomfortable. Im ok with jokes but these people were strangers, thats not even mentioning how people I knew used to treat my ocs. It was similar to the server but like 10x worse because they kept doing it after I told them to stop. I'm glad im not in those servers anymore.

Sorry for the rant, like i said before i saw another proshipper on instagram who didn't even use tags or warnings or anything and it kinda set me off /neg i hate proshippers so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'l probably delete this later, I gotta finished owed artwork and commissions,,, then get to adopts again UOOGHHHHHH /neg