
Shibatta are a fictional species I created in 2014!!
I am unsure what I'll be doing with the species- they're in hiatus/construction currently!

Personally I don't like the concept of CS in the way that 90% of them are run; where you can't make fan characters, take inspiration from the concept, and on top of all of this you're super restricted with what you can do with you OC even after paying god knows how much on a MYO ticket. But I do enjoy how Ink Dwellers are being run, where a myo is more of a "make an official one to use in the group", and not "pay for permission"

So if there's ever a paid aspect to the species, it'll be more like a closed group/official status/etc. type of way!
Perhaps I'll make it like a patreon type deal, where there's exclusive YCH's and little things for official Shibatta?
and/OR they'll be mostly just an open species, in the way Irkens, Vortians, and Keronians are, but people can
pay to make their fancharacter official, & their Shibatta may appear in the bg of Shibatta comics I make??

  No matter the specifics of what I decide for the species, fan characters will always be allowed!!   
Just please credit me if you make one! I'd really love to see :D
Fan characters don't have to abide by the base species anatomy/traits/etc. (again, just like Irken oc's get super far from canon bc it's super fun to make wacky cute little aliens)