
this is a world I'm working on involving some magic/fantasy elements. The main characters will mostly be big feline species (or feline adjacent). Going for an adventure/found family type concept. Rag tag group of outcasts and all that The overarching realm is called Azraesr with there being different subrealms with their own environments and customs.

Azraesr Weirae- This subrealm consists of mostly grasslands and open fields. This makes the subrealm the most plentiful in the production of grain and makes it the most popular subrealm for many small creatures to live and thrive in. There is no governing system in this subrealm and no large settlements. Some villages have trading systems with settlements from other subrealms and some are terrorized by bandits and looters. Most of the creatures here worship what they call the old gods.

The Old Gods- the group of gods most commonly worshipped in Azraesr Weirae. None of them are known by name, but are instead referred to by title. It's said that the names of the gods are long forgotten. Harvest God- Arguably the most important god to the creatures of Azraesr. This god makes the land fertile, helps the plants and grains grow, and provides a good crop for harvest. The creatures that worship them go through large scale rituals and provide big offerings every year to try and keep this god appeased but they're beginning to think the harvest god has abandoned them.