Pride Level
Level 2 - 5/5 Lions

History Of The Land

It all started years ago with the dissolution of limestone. With scattered rainwater that picks up carbon dioxide from the air as it percolates through the savanna soil. When this mixture sits, it forms into a weak acid that slowly dissolves out the limestone along the joints, bedding planes and fractures, some of which become enlarged enough to form the come of this pride. Caverns from the mountainside allow lions of all ages and sizes to seek refuge in its walls. The limestone proves a cool feeling to the touch, cool enough where an animal may even claim it is paradise to how good it feels on a hot, sunny day on the savanna. As water collects in divots of the limestone and earth, this creates a cool pool that is nearly resistant to drying up. It is known for being a quite stable water source for those that inhabit the mountain territory.

Ranking Order



The Queen is the head of their pride. The word of this leader is law, proclaimed by years of tradition and all other tribe cats must obey them, even visitors. They have their own den, and are assisted by the Warden in their tasks. They are responsible for the whole pride, calling meetings, appointing cats to new ranks, and making the toughest decisions.



The Warden is the second in command of the pride, chosen by the King/Queen to be their successor. This lion is responsible for organizing daily patrols for the Tribe, such as hunting patrols and border patrols. If the chief is unable to lead temporarily due to sickness, being away from the territory, etc., then the warden would take over for that time. The warden will still keep their warrior name, at least until they become leader.



A Shaman are the few who treat diseases and injuries, and who receive directions and guidance from the spirits of those who have passed on. They have their own den in the cavern where they sleep, store herbs, and treat wounded or sick lions.



Guardians are always around to offer an extra paw around wherever it is needed. They are trained in everything in case of emergency. They stay with the elites and warriors unless requested otherwise.



An Elite warrior is a warrior who is more experienced than the others, and handpicked by the top ranks. These warriors are given respect, and are often asked for advice by the pride leader. Elites are also tasked with leading patrols.


Mynah - Chenoa

Warriors have been trained in the ways of fighting and hunting in addition to the ways of the tribe tradition. They are charged with the responsibility to feed and protect those cats who are elderly or unable to spend time out of camp.



The elder individuals who have served their group well and now are under the tribe’s wing. Ancients are well-respected and play a big role in how the tribe functions today.



Trainees are cats six moons or older, training to be a Warrior or Healer, and becomes one once their mentor or Clan leader thinks they have learned enough or proved they are worthy of becoming their successor. Tasks of apprentices include training with their mentors, going hunting, border patrol with other cats of their Clan, and looking after the elders, mostly taking ticks out of their pelts and collecting moss. This is different for Healer trainees.

The Expecting


A cat that is expecting or has recently given birth to a litter of kits. When cats become Expectings, they give up their title and duties as a warrior. However, they become a warrior again once their kits have been apprenticed. Some cats, though, prefer to stay in the nursery even after their kits have become apprentices. These cats are known as permanent Expectings, and take in foster kits when required.



A Cub is a lion under the age of six moons who is still living in the nursery with the den mother and littermates. Cubss stay in the nursery together with their mother who nurses them and takes care of them for six moons.