Up for offers

Ocs in my favorites are most likely to be accepted.

 Things im most interested in: Sphinxs, other mythology creatures, humanoids, monsters, and any type of centaur, roblox noobs, 2000,s, satyrs, werewolves.

massbeautie_owo / sixc|4WZz_ / Murkymaws
is blacklisted for getting any characters from me for: being very rude. Twisting my words. Ect.

TheBlue___bunny / gracefully_falling is blacklisted for being creepy, and flat out rude, stalking ect.


Harassment, going around questions, cussing 

Slicks.fanart.9867 / Slick986 / just.a.duck.xx
/bruno_productions is black listed for stalking, twisting my words harassing and bullying, ect