

Mayloras are an ancient species going back to the time of magic, when dragons roamed the earth. They are born from a canine, a feline, and a dragon of any species. They originated from the ancient Japanese dragons who bred with a dire wolf hybrid. 

Now a days its hard to find them and speak to them since most live in forests, in tribes speaking in there own language which was forgotten over time. More are still being born but not of the Japanese dragon but of more common, western dragons, bulit for muscle and bronse not for the intelligence side of magic.


Each maylora looks a little different than the last, but all have long whiskers that are very sensitive to touch. Their tails are like an extra limb, used for balance, holding on to loved ones, and hanging from trees if needed. The whiskers of the maylor can sence when a person has done any kind of dark magic (aka necromancy). The male can have all kinds of different shafts but only the royal mayloras have aspects of each animal they are mixed with along with full knots to make sure the breeding catches, the others have pseudo knots and only two aspects of their mix. Females go into heat every 3 months and gestation for babies is about 7 months in total.

furry anthro dog demonic bigcat feral marsupial skull marking hybrid freckles cat Dragon hybrid pink red Dragon flying fox canine earthy tiger Deer hybrid