Xikeb's Bulletins

winding up to start comms again :3

Posted 3 months, 11 days ago by Xikeb

Ping Me For Comms Please!

6 Votes *click click*

I know I say this every time I resurface but Damn I wanna be more active on here

as the title says I am preparing to refresh my commissions listing and get back on it! I am delighted to say that I have fully cleared my queue (thank you all so much for your patience) and I'll be doing some much needed restructuring and slapping a new coat of paint on everything and we'll be rolling again. do click the clicky in the poll if you wanna be pinged when I officially start commissions again! I will be doing these one at a time to pace myself so it will most likely be a waitlist system if multiple ppl are interested at the same time.
I also want to get back into posting actual oc stuff and doing raffles and overall being active! istg having a fulltime job took any and all ability to be present on the internet out of me but I did go down to 4 days a week instead of 5 after much Soft Arguing with my manager so we'll see.

update update update

Posted 7 months, 22 days ago by Xikeb

hey gang just wanted to do a general bulletin to update the folks who are still waiting on commission updates! I have not forgotten you, I have not ran away with your money, but I am having a Rough One (not that that's an excuse rlly but it is an explanation)
won't get too into it but long story short, didn't have access to my yarn for like a couple months and work has been kicking my ass. I should've reached out earlier to everyone but it completely slipped my mind -_-
as soon as I'm done double and triple and quadruple checking that everything is bug free and good to go I'll be getting back to each of you individually. thank you so much for your patience as always and I am willing to toss in extras and/or refunds because this kind of wait feels honestly unacceptable and I wanna do right by y'all. when I properly reopen my comms (probably around next year?) I'll only be taking on one project at a time to insure this doesn't happen again. 

looking to pick up an emergency comm !

Posted 10 months, 8 days ago by Xikeb

hey gang! long story short my last paycheck from my previous job was smaller than I expected so now I have roughly $60 of expenses unaccounted for that I get charged for before my paycheck from my new job comes in -_- so I'm looking to pick up a commission or two to help me stay out of the red! I am willing to negotiate lower prices than my examples in the crochet commissions listing! and I do also want to remind y'all that I still have a sale going on my premade stuff and patterns if you use the ever-so-creative code CODE at checkout) anything helps!

Huge Discount On Premade Stuff!!

Posted 10 months, 14 days ago by Xikeb

after running the quick poll it seems to be going in the direction of free US shipping + 50% off! so that is what it shall be) I already (manually lol) applied the shipping thing to all items, and for the sweet sweet 50% off you can use code CODE (very creative, I know), and that part applies internationally!

here's the link, go wild

the discount does also apply to the pattern PDFs by the way! and I have a new one up that's free to begin with, for the angel keychain! tips are appreciated but not expected)
oh and did I mention I do not have a set end date for this? I'll announce it when the code is no longer valid but until then. it's gonna be there like this
I just kinda need money at the moment ngl

considering a sale on premade stuff!

Posted 10 months, 14 days ago by Xikeb

what do you consider an enticing discount option

0 Votes free shipping worldwide!
4 Votes free shipping within the US only + 50% off storewide sale
1 Votes pay what you want with much lower minimum threshold on items (like 5-25 USD) (this one you'd still have to pay shipping)

heyhey! life just keeps on happening so I'm considering doing a hefty sale on all my premade stuff. I just wanted to see what all of y'all would consider an enticing enough discount format! please vote in the poll for what sounds like the best deal for you!

Old Stock Keychain Gacha!

Posted 10 months, 21 days ago by Xikeb

hey gang!! figured this could be a good way of clearing out some of my old keychain stock)
check it out here!
massive thank you to Magpie for making the gif thumbnail and walking me through setting this up!


work hours got cut so I'm real again!

Posted 11 months, 15 hours ago by Xikeb

heyhey long time no see! ik I keep making this kind of post lolol but I am back at least for a fleeting while and hoping to finally finish all these comms y'all have been patiently waiting on <3 I am also willing to take on more comms if you are willing to wait for them ! so shoot me a dm if you so desire)

life update number three million

Posted 11 months, 21 days ago by Xikeb

heyhey gang (especially ppl I owe things to) sorry for the radio silence for the past uh like month long story short life got in the way and then I popped my shoulder out   I am basically fine now and it's nothing to worry about! should be getting back to comms soon. thanks y'all for the patience, everyone on here has been awesome ToT

my ribs hurt a lot so nothing important has been getting done but you know what did get done? this. you can click here if you're interested! 
I wanna add more hands to my future projects tbh this was fun
if I remake this kinda thing specifically I'll either make the arms shorter and thinner or fully commit to the scarf bit and make them like knee length!

Monday is mail day!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Xikeb

Hey gang! I'll be sending this batch of packages out on Monday) to everyone who's been waiting a while, thank you for your patience! If you order anything premade before Sunday evening you'll be part of this shipment as well so feel free to take a look at my ko-fi shop if you're interested))