
If not marked with a price in the name. Price is in the description of the character. 

I also tend to use this folder as a holding folder with Characters whom I don’t know what to do with yet.

CS Male male Elnin Nyanarr grotte Anuvi rp MYO feathercloak oc cs kittom Nin Sucat nyanarr Kyome OC Closed Feathercloak Demon Kyomes sell hitman Angel Crow uft Trade Closed Species Paypal small closed species Manemamono Warpa dog guest breeding Fallen shark ufs grottes Female nyanarrs Kyanarr Humanoid Coms single aremisu half animal RenAyumeArts gummi offer kit warpaint myo Open Commssions female owl looking trade bird nin Noble Persona UTAU gummi-sharks Sale Feral Kittom warpa Windsor PP