Part 02: Chrono Lock

"Chrono Lock" takes place in the same Universe as all of my other Stories but on Earth instead, with the exception of OC that originally came from Earth the characters you will find in this Folder never interacted with any of the others.


Chrono Lock is basically a story about a young aspiring Archeologist who gains the ability to jump back in time after happening upon a mysterious artefact in the, from her team, newly discovered ruins. 

Stephanie soon comes to the realisation that she doesn't know how to actually control her supernatural ability...would've been nice if someone had actually warned her earlier, this information doesn't prove itself helpful when you come to the conclusion that you are in the middle of nowhere, stuck several hundred years in the past. 

Yet the moment she closes her eyes and falls asleep she's suddenly back in her room again. With the circle continuing and her ability dragging her from one time to the next Stephanie miraculously manages to catch the attention of a God who offers to tag along on her "Journey" for the sake of his own entertainment. 

Chrono Lock is a story born out of a prombt I once saw cenerting around two rivals, one a time traveler and the other an immortal being who seems to be always run into the time traveler no matter the time period, almost as if they were waiting for them to arrive.

Long read Short read Warning Long read Kitsune Troublemaker Portal Guardian Fantasyvideo game inspired Fallen Angel Plshie Collector Necromancer in denial Guardian Oldest OC TW 02 Child abuse Immortal Spirit Lil birb boy terrifying little shit and a World able to kill you instantly Mr. Alien Orphan Bunny Hybrid