
Welcome to the main story of Restituere; Magicae
The Demi-God Temples are malfunctioning, it takes time for them to start creating Dead Magic Zones, let alone big enough ones to be a problem, but it is inevitable. These 4 kids- Ilalia, Eilean, Noctis, and Mirai- all one day wake up with a mysterious symbol on them somewhere. This symbol has chosen them to be the ones to go around and fix the Temples.
Together they will learn more about the Demi-Gods and their pasts, along with learning about each other, their lives, and a few mysteries that start to pop up.
A mysterious group named The Impia are out to get them, an Anti-Demi-God group that wants Demi-Gods dead, and these kids have to rely on themselves and the Demi-Gods they meet along the way to keep themselves safe from harm while on their mission