Vasilious Family


Welcome to the long, long list, of the Vasilious family bloodline. The Vasilious family is the Royal Family of BloodKnight. There is a lot of drama, a lot of fucking, and so many branches that expand this giant family.

We are including all Blood-Related Vasilious, whether they willingly use or threw away the Vasilious name itself, we are also including those that are long-term-dating/married into the family. This will also include the "Partnering Families." The families of different last names that originally came from the Vasilious line and hold more political power, but are now unrelated enough to not be problematic to marry directly back into the Vasilious line.
We are NOT including the Non-Vasilious step-siblings. We are also not including the parents that have Vasilious kids but aren't in long-term relationships with the Vasilious parent.
AKA; One-Night-Stand / Friends-With-Benefits / Situationship, etc, Non-Vasilious partners that aren't commited to the Vasilious parent are excluded from this folder. (even though they're in the family tree)

A now uncommon trait of the Vasilious family is Blood Red eyes. Not all have them, and those with said eyes are typically considered to have stronger Vasilious blood, and can often be favoured when it comes to choosing heirs or whatever. However these days people don't particularly care.