Clan of EbonClaws

In the large and ancient Clan of  EbonClaws, new lives are born into the world as small, black kittens.  These kittens grow and develop their markings based on the development  of their environment, interests and personalities, and as they reach  adulthood the physical changes slowly come to a halt. EbonClaws are born  with two forms, that of a feline and that of a human.

With the  vast varieties of lands stretching across the Known World, EbonClaws  find themselves following passions of all sorts and still finding a home  within the Sanctuaries of Lerros, the main communities which hold very  dear secrets and the Eternal Truths of the EbonClaws.

Some  entities and monarchs across the lands demand service of the EbonClaws  Clan. As it has always been, the warriors of this Clan listen and act to  the words of their elders - carrying out service in times it is deemed  just and necessary. As the world faces quakes and the twisted tendrils  of The Under grow ever closer, will the Clan of EbonClaws rise to the  challenges ahead?

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