alleycats's Bulletins

some updates

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by alleycats

hey! this is probably gonna be my last update like this since there isn’t that much more to say about it —
its not super important, if you’ve been following me a while I’m sure you already can tell that I’m inactive. 

As a lot of you guys probably know, I’m a sophomore right now. which is crazy, because i started posting on th when i was about 11, and i’ll be 16 soon.
ive grown a lot as a person over the last year or two, and to be honest, things like social media no longe really bring me joy. around last year i stoped posting things and it felt pretty nice to not /need/ to check my socials 24/7. Around 2020, the idea of not being active was so odd to me. Out of the question. but it’s honestly what’s best for me.
i’m not the same person i was when i started my online presence. I’m not The same person i was a year ago, or 4 years ago. i had a lot of fun on socials, and I made a lot of friends. But ive realized recently that I was basing my life on a screen. All my friends were online, all my conversations were through text. And I found myself being so jealous of people with better art, or more money than me. i dont like the person that these sites made me become.
If you know me irl, you know that im a very laid back, very outgoing person. But Being online all the time enabled me, it made it so that i could just ignore the world around me and live my life on my computer. It made me Anxious and socially awkward, it dragged down my grade because all i would do is spend time on discord or insta instead of doing my homework.
when i took a break from being online, i discovered how much i love to draw people— i almost always draw traditionally, too. That’s the art that i enjoy the most. for the past 3 years ive been stuck in a rut of constnatly drawing the same thing. furries. That no longe brings me joy. And neither does being online. 

a couple years ago, i had a very boring bleak life. covid made it even worse. I used being online as an escape— because i had so little going on around me. I was insecure and hated myself, and being online gave me an alter ego of some sorts.
but now I enjoy my life. I get good grades, i play sports, i have friends. I havent been this genuinely happy in so long. 

What I mean by this is — being online is no longe something i need. And i dont want to need it. i had an unhealthy relationship with it for so long and it feels good to be out of it now. 

I’m not leaving, to be clear. but i dont expect to post vey often. I check socials every now and then— and i dont think I’ll permanently stop anytime soon. but this is probably the end of my furry art (except on certain occasions). 

And to be fair, i dont know what’s gonna happen in the next few years. I might fully come back and be active again— i dont know. But it will definitely be different than it has in the past. 

Thanks for reading :) 

obligatory birthday post

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by alleycats

hi!! It’s my birthday today :)
i got some cool stuff + I’m getting a second piercing! I’ll send a picture later
also sorry for the inactivity </3 


Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by alleycats

hi!! It’s af time
> <
I’m team bloom :) 

also i probably wont be making many attacks until after the 10th since I’m on a trip rn and cant draw much
link your profs down below if youre a friend/moot so i can attack you!

questions! + update

Posted 2 years, 6 days ago by alleycats


hey im back :) im finishing up finals this week and then my summer starts so i should be back on soon
anyways, i saw a this going around and wanted to see if you guys had questiono :0 feel free to ask multiple too 

LF new ocs (dts, trades, etc)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by alleycats

I was looking for a summer themed chara (preferably one with a water body type of design)
if you have any please link em down below and i can offer!
I might also take a design trade or commission a design so please link stuff down below! 👇


Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by alleycats

hey apologies for the inactivity lately,
i’ve been dealing with some issues irl and ive also began a sport so i have very limited free time
ive also kind of lost interest in drawing furries/drawing digitally. I might post some of my traditional art if that would interest you guys but for the time being i probably wont be posting anything digital/furry related (except commissions) until my motivation comes back
sorry again 

DAAG mod applications are open!!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by alleycats

evrything you need is on the form!
please fill it out If you’re interested in moderating —  it’d be really helpful! 

scammer warning [important]

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by alleycats

^ screenshots ^

please block the user opalphine
they scammed me out of a character
I originally got a comment from them on my character eva (the character still belongs to me. they stole it from me) and they offered a different character for them. I accepted and stupidly sent over the character first and as soon as i logged back into th i saw that they had accepted my request and had blocked me.
i wouldnt be surprised if theyve scammed others as well. and I’m sure they’ll do it again. so please, block them. 

Ive already contacted knite and filed a report to toyhouse about them
also please dont harass them, If I send people after them I’m no better than them. just block them. 

edit: they tried to scam my friend with the design that they scammed from me. be careful
they also have a deviantart: block them there as well 

EDIT: toyhouse closed their account and i have eva back! thank you guys so much for reporting them. 

please comment if i owe you art

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by alleycats

i lost my to do list so i gotta remake it again!! Please lmk if i owe you something (no requests though, I’m still getting through advent calendar art) just like art/design trades or commissions! tysm, hope everyones doin good 

Imp regarding advent calendar

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by alleycats

hey! So i definitely overshot the runway with the advent calendar fhdjsfdks — iii did not expect to be this busy over break

I’m gonna try to finish most of the calendar art but I really cannot guarantee anything! I apologize, I honestly didn’t realize how busy I would be.

there are some pieces that I’ve finished and not shared and some that I’ve started, so I’ll just be uploading them in the next few days. For others, ill likely just make a sketch! [might also just finish some of the art after christmas]

again, really sorry! I’ll try my best to finish what I can. I just dont want to crank out really low quality art I’m not proud of for the next few days. 

thanks for reading! happy holidays 💞