VoK Pride

Lions of the Forgotten Isles

  • This is a pride for Valley of Kings, an arpg on cs! Here i'll store my lions, as well as prompts, information, trackers, etc!
  • The forgotten isles is a small island with a few smaller islands surrounding it, floating isolated in the middle of the ocean. Very few people know about it, and the Isle cannot be found in any books or maps. The main island itself, while small comparatively, houses a good sized volcano on it's northern end- supposedly dormant, as far as any of the lionfolk who live here know, at least. Below the mountain is a dense jungle, lush with life and color, tropical and strange animals of all sorts. The East side of the island drops off in rocky, shattered cliffs, while the south and west sides are home to soft, warm beaches filled with sand and seashells.
    At first glance, the island seems completely uninhabited, but hidden within the jungle, there is a tribe, a pride of lionfolk who make their homes on the island. Most came there through shipwreck- the island seems to have a special way of attracting those lost at sea. The lions hunt the native beasts and use the nature around them to their advantage, their home deep in the jungle an odd mix of salvaged woods and bits of boat, hand crafted walls and roofs from plantlife and wood around them, and natural shelters such as caves and hollow trees.