Planet 2222

It was the year 44444 on a planet many light years away from planet Earth. Two astro-robotscientists aliens named Astrid and Calloway had a goal to take over a ‘dystopian’ planet and turn it into a utopian one whilist getting rid of the species’ that lived on it. After many years of trying to find one, they discovered earth in the year 2222. Using the power of travelling at the speed of light and their fire-resistance abilities, they managed to sucessfully wipe out the solar system and anything inhabiting it using the Sun. They replaced planet Earth with a planet known as ‘Planet 2222’, and turned it into a utopian robot society.

Ever since both of them died in an "unknown freak accident", a robot by the name of SUNNY had become the new leader. However, a group of robots didn't like this decision, and all planned to assassinate her and take over instead, but one robot in that group had ulterior motives to the rest of them...

please read the below if you want notes on the robots:

- Their hands have 3 different types: hologram mode (self explanatory, make their hand holographic which can allow them to pass it through things), free-move mode (they can extend their hands to very far places without moving), and connect mode (basically free-move mode except their body also moves with their hands, useful for getting themself back up again if theyve fallen over since they dont have arms or for grappling)

- although the robots' headpieces can be cool, they serve an important purpose to protect their head from space debris

- the robots also have an additional camera on the back of their heel or shoe (they dont actually wear shoes the shoes are just their lower leg)

- Some robots have 'tentacles' (examples being juno and koi) on their headpiece which they can control freely

- their heads are circular

NEVER EVER do they have arms

- there are multiple classes to these robots, you can tell which class they are based on the colours of the planet on their shirt:

blue and white: the most common one, not much is special about those who have this colour

pink and yellow: robots who are the first of a new feature given to robots (e.g juno and koi for the 'tentacles' on their headpiece or mint for sentience) OR robots who are repeatedly brought into the factory for testing (VERY different to dummies as dummies are usually destroyed shortly after creation and are rarely given names) (e.g koi and others still working on that LMAO)

red and yellow: basically dummies, created solely for the intent of testing. rarely are they ever given names and are usually (if not always) destroyed shortly after being created (wether it would be by the tests themself or just being destroyed due to no longer having a use for them)

black: reserved strictly for the leaders of the planet (e.g the two (still unnamed 🤦🤦🤦🤦) robot-scientist astronauts who created the planet and SUNNY)