
Insomnias Terminology
This terminology applies to each of my oc worlds, it might not be common knowledge in the habitants of my oc worlds, but they are the building blocks for them.
"Hourdust" - Hourdust is the magical matter that builds up everything in the universe. Worlds can be created with this material, and the gods use it as a power source.
"Divine's Flower" - Each god comes to existence when a divine's flower appears in the celestial plane of Insomnias.
"Asleep's Garden" - This is a cafe that exists in the celestial plane. Every soul is brought here when their current life is over. The goddess of life will give help your next steps in the afterlife, whether that is to stay or move onto a new life.

Fantasy Species
The different fantasy species found in my oc universe are created by the gods. They were originally made to help assist the gods with humans, but they have become beings to be cared for by the gods on the same level of humans aswell.
Saplings are "kemonomimi", they were created to help heal environments and promote plant growth.
Iris are essentially grim reapers, as the goddess of death is unable to touch souls without sapping their life into nonexistence.