avoarte's Bulletins

purge (mine)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by avoarte

really need to get rid of a lot of these characters + i need money 💀 so even if you don't see anything you like shares are very appreciated !!!!!


three of them are free winky face

what the hell (not important)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by avoarte

why is da saying my account doesn't exist my brother in christ you let me sign up


Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by avoarte

i take money now wowza


all info is on there

boundaries ??? fuck i'm bored

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by avoarte

asking to be friends

yeah sure . honestly if ya wanna be friendly with me just ask i really need more friends lol

linking ocs

i only have a vague idea of what this means but probably no

asking to hear my voice or get in a call

i mean asking to hear my voice is creepy as fuck don't ever do that to anyone but if i'm in a public call with mic on feel free to hop in . if i ever do private calls it's usually only with people i'm really close with though

see pics of me

i try to keep my face private and i only share photos if i really want to which is like . never . so don't ask unless we're like partners or smth idfk

art inspiration


design inspiration



hell no

asking for pings

sorry but i like . straight up don't do that i'm too lazy lmfao

asking to offer

why is this even a question this is so dumb yes of course you can offer . what does this even mean

putting my ocs in dreamie folders

only put them in if they're in some way ufo otherwise keep your hands OFF

ummmmmm that's it weezer