
Gerudo | Zuna

Gerudo Desertfarers Cautious

The Gerudo and Zuna are both inhabitants of the Gerudo Desert. The Gerudo, a female-only race, once dominated all of the northern to eastern regions of the sandy barrens, with evidence of their great constructs and buried structures protruding just enough from the sands. Notable structures include the statue of the Seven Heroines in the East Gerudo Ruins and the Northern Ruins. Living isolated and periodically at conflict with the Hylian Kingdom, the Gerudo have cultivated an incredibly rich culture, separate of any outside influence. However, given that there is only one biological male born every century, they venture elsewhere to reproduce. Over the years this has become evident as their once round ears appear pointed, and their skintones have ranged into the warmer and pinker variety. Deeper in the desert however, reside the Zuna. They don't seem to suffer from a similar curse, though they do have a curious appearance. Often quite large in size, their skintones are green as they evolved from their ancestors who survived the desert and its enormous course of predators by camouflaging as cacti and other drygrass. The Zuna are architectural marvels, notably collaborating on the construction of the Arbiter's Grounds and other sporadic gorgeous ruins seen west of Gerudo. The Gerudo and Zuna have shared a long friendship, though relations did grow tense when a notably dastardly figure in Gerudo history, Ganondorf, had a Zuna father and resembled them greatly.

Current Leader: Makeela Riju (Gerudo), Imaad Ahl al-Zuna (Zuna)

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