
Across the sea from Juxipia,  lies Trorlens: a city through trade and innovation has been taken over by merchant nobles. Decisions of the city are made by the nobles and the companies they run. It is much more technologically advanced compared to other places around the globe, utilizing both magic and science into engineering.

Think of it mixed with a steampunk London mixed with gearpunk Renaissance Florence, Italy.

Of course with innovations comes devastations, as those who do not care where the power is utilized will sell spell bound items and dangerous weapons are sold to those around the globe who would use their devices for both good and nefarious purposes.

The class divide is obvious, with the rich not having to work as much, and the workers toiling away at the gears, pipes and factories.

There also comes the arts, with music not just appearing in classical halls, but also in the clubs for the masses where a variety music comes to fruition.

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