the unseen



common specieswitches/warlocks, vampires, fairy, elf, dryad/nymph, shapeshifter. 
uncommon speciescentaur, dragonborn, siren, merfolk, faun, elemental
rare speciesnephilim, gorgon, demigod, kitsuneborn, demon, angel, animalkin, tiefling

the village of the unseen is considered to be a sanctuary for all species who the humans have deemed as 'outsiders', and thus have faced some sort of persecution by the humans for being different than them. although their official name is 'the village of the unseen', they more often are referred to as simply 'the unseen' in passing. they are named as such because their home is literally hidden from the naked eye of any passing pure-blooded humans, and appears simply as a heavily forested area that's almost too thick for anyone to slip through the trees. the secret to their hidden lifestyle is due to their founders, a witch named Ariadne and her husband, a wizard named Ambrose. in the creation of the unseen, the pair cast a plethora of protection spells over the land that they claimed for their village, each spell being altered from original to focus specifically on preventing humans from finding it, but allowing any other species to enter.

the village itself is in a pretty little vale, surrounded by high mountains on all sides. on the northern section of the vale is a large waterfall that comes in from outside the vale, with a cavern of water hidden away behind it. the waterfall connects not only to a small pond, but that pond branches off into several streams and rivers that run through different parts of the vale. the only way to enter into the vale is through the plethora of caves that wind through the mountains surrounding them; its one of the first things that the young and any newcomers must learn, how to properly navigate the tunnels. there are plenty of caverns that dead end into nothing, or that wind back around in such a way that you can't help but get lost; many unfortunate souls have gotten lost and died trying to find their way out of the caves. most of the villagers sleep directly under the stars, although there are a few exceptions. typically any caregivers with young children sleep inside of tents, and any merfolk sleep in the cave behind the waterfall. the shaman also has a little cave in the rocky wall on the eastern side of the vale that is filled with their store of herbs and medicines and things.

no pure-blooded humans are allowed. if one somehow manages to find its way in, they are killed swiftly to keep the village safe. anyone that is a half-human and half-being (of any species below) is accepted, but they are watched more closely at first to ensure their loyalty is to the villlage not the humans. hybrids of all kinds are welcomed in the village. common species seen include, but are not limited to; witches/warlocks, vampires, nephilim, fairy (dark & light), elf (all types), demigod, shapeshifters, werefolk, dragonborn, animalkin, faun, mermaid/mermen, siren (normal & cursed), centaurs, gorgon, angel, demon, dryad, elemental, nymph, kitsuneborn. all hair colors, eye colors, horn colors, skin tones, scale tones, etc are welcome. it is also important to note that any sirens or merfolk that reside here have the ability to temporarily grow their “land legs” for brief periods of time thanks to various enchanted items gifted to them.

Message #the-people

Skilled Animal

⋆dragons ;

⋆ occamy (= fire lizards) ; although they can change size at will, typically they stay around a hawk or small cat's size when they are with their handler. when not flying, they commonly can be seen wrapped around their handler in some way (like a bracelet or a shawl). their eggs are used for many crafts once the babies hatch, as they are lined with pure silver on the inside.

⋆ thestrals (= horse) ; due to the nature of their existence, the majority of the villagers can see them due to their previous persecutions, however any children born directly into the village can’t see the thestrals until something bad happens later in life and triggers that ability. thestrals dont judge anyone for who they are; their owner could be literally anyone.

⋆ unicorns (= horse) ; these horses absolutely adore the youth of the village, and have clear favorites among the children, testers, and apprentices. unicorns are found to favor those who exhibit innocence or purity, and can be quite skiddish/nervous around those with darker spirits (such as demons).

⋆ hellhounds (= dog) ; typically only obedient to one owner, and difficult to tame by many species. often found at the side of a demon, nephilim, dark elf, dark fairy, or gorgon. other species may have a hellhound as a pet, but it takes longer for them to earn the canines trust and loyalty.

⋆ matagot (= cat) ; these felines are incredibly protective of their owner(s) and the families that they consider their own. protection is their key goal in life, and while they can appear white docile and tame to those they are loyal to, they are also quite ferocious when their families are in some way threatened.

⋆ wampus cat (= cat) ; these cats are large for cats and known for being incredibly protective of their handlers. they are not very trusting, and so when a person gains their trust enough to become their handler, they stick with them for life, or if that handler dies, than their closest family member.

⋆ fwooper (= bird) ; their beautifully colored feathers are often used for a variety of crafts when they fall out, and they lay pretty patterned eggs whose shells are also used for crafts once the baby birds hatch.

⋆ augurey (= bird) ; seen primarily as a bird of prey, much like a hawk or falcon, they are talented hunters but very unassuming in appearance. they can sense approaching rainfall and thus are deemed quite useful companions for those who farm/plant seeds.

⋆ tebo (= cow) ; their hide is considered stronger than nearly any other, and so it is often used to make protective layers over one's clothing or other prized possessions. the females are milked like a goat, and most males (aside from the select few breeding males) are used for their meat to feed the village.

⋆ nundu (= dangerous cat) ; considered the most difficult creature in their forest to tame, they are unbelievably dangerous in adulthood. cubs are relatively harmless, aside from their spikey manes, but as they grow they develop a toxic sort of breath that causes gruesome death. even if a person gains their trust, they will remain suspicious of other people, but will only attack with their owner's permission.

⋆ hippogriffs (= dangerous horse) ; incredibly difficult to tame, most people dont find them worth the risk of befriending. however, if you do gain their trust, they become immensely loyal only to one owner in their lifetime, and if that owner dies before the hippogriff, the beast will leave the village and return to the wild.

Other Village Relations

bordering villages

  • north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950 
  • northeast | serendipity | Lumos11 
  • east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy 
  • southeast | village name | user 
  • south | village name | user 
  • west | carmina abyssi | spasticjazzhands 
  • northwest | abyssal kingdom | ariento 
  • nomadic | Kanaka Helu | Chamrosh


  • Old gatorsbite 
  • Serendipity 
  • Abyssal kingdom 
  • Kanaka helu


  • Liones kingdom
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