Ring spirits & Users

Day dream thing  that will hopefully one day reach its full potential. 


A fake competition set in place in order to help free a being that is currently imprisoned.    

Since members who are loyal to said being cannot by any means do it themselves. They require the use of others, though even that has proven to not be quite that simple.   Since unlocking said prison takes a six step process.   So they came up with an elaborate idea of a competition.    

The competition requires 15 contestants to compete.  Since the requirement process to unlocking requires said number.   The contestants are picked by the keys themselves.  The keys are imprisoned beings, who with the only way to win their own freedom is to trade places with their chosen host.  

---- re writeee ------

Fifteen rings.   Fifteen spirits.  Fifteen contracts. 

Fifteen custom made rings with trapped imprisoned spirits are let loose upon the world.    

Divided among the users.   Which can optionally be brought together into distinct groups of Seven.  The fifteenth ring, is however most  sought and mandatory since it helps accomplish end goal.   

Contestants are chosen by the spirits.  Anyone not deemed worth,   tries to steal or is not chosen and puts on a ring will die.   Unless   they are another contestant aiming to steal specific ring.  

The goal being; the unlocking of a portal that holds a wish granting device on the other side.  That will only grant the one person their wish.  Additionally the chosen spirit their freedom.  

The contract:   Though contracts outwardly seem the same, by the  basic guidelines.  They are uniquely different than one another.  They  are also the essential key in; how the fights will happen, where they will happen, and if a trading will commence.     They initially can only be used once, and will expire only if you lose/die.  The winner gets the ring as well as another contract to use.  Any attempt of destruction of a contract, will be an automatic pass to permanent death.   

And though they are given, they do not have to be used if a contestant or contestants decide not to form a group.  

Each rings spirit lends contestants power. That in turn comes with a price for each use.  Even if the price is being paid, it can be voided and collected at the end.  Only if the contests state is too dire.  Ex: will not be able to further participate or Is due to die.