bumblebears's Bulletins

🪴 terms of service

Posted 5 months, 10 days ago by bumblebears

last edited 1/3/2024 (d/m/y)

thought i’d finally put something up on what you can & can’t do with my stuff !! this is pretty long so feel free to skim it 🫶


  • i don‘t use tonetags a ton but feel free to ask me to! i don’t mind and i understand some people have trouble understanding the tone of messages online :)
  • when interacting with me, please refrain from swearing a ton! i’m chill with like one or two but if it gets to like five per comment it can make me pretty uncomfortable so please don’t do that.
  • please do not call my characters, designs, or me hot/attractive/anything of that sort. i am aroace and i really don’t appreciate it. plus most of my characters are feral animals…?
  • try not to misgender me or my characters! i understand if its an accident as a lot of their profiles don’t state their pronouns so i promise i wont blow up at you, but if you know and it seems like you’re doing it on purpose im not going to be too happy haha.
  • just. be a decent person! everyone here is a person behind the screen, so please respect us.
TLDR ; ask if you want me to use tonetags, don’t swear a ton on my profile, don’t call my characters attractive, and don’t misgender me or my characters.


 you can . . .

  • redesign them, as long as they stay recognizable to the original. i appreciate being notified if you choose to redesign a character i designed but its not a requirement. i just like keeping track of them.
  • trade them or sell them to others for the same worth unless art is added.
  • trade/sell them offsite as long as i am credited.
  • make humanoid, anthro, feral, or different species versions, as long as the original design remains an option. (what i mean by this is that if you made a humanoid version of one of my cat designs, you would have to keep the cat design as a part of that character if that makes sense. the human version would simply be an alternate version and not the real design.)
  • use them in most stories, roleplays, et cetera.
  • use art of them on your profile picture, banner, et cetera. both onsite and offsite are fine.
  • co-own my designs with someone else and create another profile for them, as long the secondary profile is deleted upon trading/selling the character.
you cannot . . .
  • redesign them beyond recognition. if this happens i will ask you to revert back to the original design or a version that looks at least a bit more like it. 
  • trade or sell them for more than you got them without any added worth.
  • trade or sell them to people on my blacklist. 
  • draw nsfw art of my designs. even if you own them, it makes me feel very uncomfortable as i am a minor. i will also ask you to refrain from putting the characters in nsfw stories! 
  • steal my designs/claim them as your own.
  • make ‘twin’ designs. (i’m fine with sibling or parent designs that are only slightly inspired by the original design, but please don’t just make a duplicate and call it a different thing. you can be inspired by any of my designs as long as yours isn’t too similar. if you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to ask me!)
  • take heavy inspiration off of my designs. you may use it as reference for certain small aspects but it sucks having a design blatantly ripped off.
  • directly colorpick my designs.
  • use my designs for anything hateful/discriminatory/inappropriate.


 you can . . .

  • use it as a profile image, banner, icon, et cetera with proper credit if the art was made for you or of a character you own. both offsite and onsite is fine as long as some form of credit is there and leads to this site. (it doesn’t have to be a link, just saying ‘bumblebears on th’ is fine w me‘
  • trace/heavy reference my art for educational purposes as long as you don’t post it w/o permission. i’m fine with tracing privately but if you post it and claim it as your own it can be quite unfair to me, the original artist. i can make exceptions to this rule though, as long as you give ample credits where its due there shouldn’t be a problem! just please ask first before posting ><
  • make minor edits to my art if it is of a character you own. depending on what you want to change you might have to ask but if it’s something like adding a scar or accessory to a character in a scene im fine with it.
you cannot . . .
  • claim my art or traced art as your own. 
  • ’fix’ my art. i’m fine with constructive criticism as long as you’re kind about it but please don’t ‘fix’ it as it can be really hurtful to the original artist.
  • use my art for anything hateful/discriminatory/inappropriate.
  • use art i have made of mine or others peoples characters as a profile image, banner, icon, et cetera. it makes me uncomfortable and there is very little likelihood that i will make exceptions to this rule.
  • make major edits to my art. if you don’t like how it turned out, i can make small adjustments but i will not make najor changes as that is basically drawing a whole new piece of art.Â