Galactic Skies


loyal passion clever

One night in the ancient clan, a medicine cat was out collecting herbs. She went past the borders as she needed a few that usually were plentiful in the outer fields. Though on her way she spotted a few twolegs with a strange long tube looking up at the stars. She stayed a while but was soon spotted by them. She knew to stay away from the twolegs but something in her gut told her to approach them when they began to call out to her. So she did. She slowly approached the male twoleg and his kit. They petted her and fed her some tuna from a can.
”Perhaps I can stay a little longer? I have yet to find out what this tube is for.”
She didn’t understand the words meanings to what they were saying… except when they began to talk about the stars. Pictured in the sky made by the stars of great constellations. They ruled over the night sky with the moon shining oh so brightly. She was fascinated by these tales. Animals and machines and other twolegs in the sky? She’s never heard of this before. She saw they had a book with them two that listed the constellations and while the twolegs were distracted, she grabbed the thin book and ran away.
The medicine cat believed this was a message or a destiny from StarClan. Though now… should she beleive in them anymore? There were greater things out there… maybe they can believe both. Her clan was horrified when she returned and brought back the book but soon the medicine cat told the tales of the stars and the beings in the sky… many cats were as well amazed by the stories, even the leader. They looked at the picture book and all concluded this must be their next step. From that day on, they began to worship the stars.

guides please carry us to saftey...


supportive community strength

Cats in the clan treat each other like family. Even if the clan is vastly large, many cats are interconnected and surprisingly drama isn't a major issue. The clan can be divided into mini groups naturally. The clan follows the saying it takes a village due to how vast they are and how everyone plays a role.

loyal rightous hothead he / THEY
the new leader surely shows just how new he is to this rank. constantly he is making mistakes and accidentally snapping at others. perhaps leading is just to hard for him? asphodelstar originally lead with a strong lead and with his word being law. with sugestions and backlash from clanmates, theyve learned to calm down and listen to their clan.

dont make me repeat myself

quiet tempered honest HE / him
the cat that was overshadowed by his sibling. he did anything he could to prove to his father he was worthy of attention. of course his father always thought he was, durianblaze himself always felt like he focused more on his brother. he grew quiet and reserved with a short temper due to his treatment. well who has the last laugh now? hes a damn deputy.

why wont you look at me?!

snappy proud playful he / they
growing up half kittypet was awful especially when your father came from an important bloodline. things grew tough when his father began to snap when he was a trainee. like father like son, he ended up with kittens with a kittypet too. with so much against him, it was crazy when he heard the leader announce he'd be deputy too. finally his work paid off.

no one can put my fire out!


trait trait trait NICKNAME / TITLE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint

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trait trait trait NICKNAME / TITLE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint

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trait trait trait NICKNAME / TITLE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint

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trait trait trait NICKNAME / TITLE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint

insert quote...


trait trait trait NICKNAME / TITLE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint

insert quote...


Click here for map || The clan resides in a forest surrounded by fields and mountains with a river running through as a water source. The clan is rather far out from large twolegs population (minus the cabins) so threats from them arent often if never. There is a set pathway in the mountain of an abandoned hiking path that leads close by to the nebula mountain.


Camp is sheltered by the thick canopy of trees. It provides shade as well as protection from heavy storms. It also aids in protection from birds of prey who fly from above. This foliage around the area also provides a barrier. The camp has many dens with extra room to make more. A water source is nearby. By the medicine cat den and nursery den resides a food pile that is give one take one.


One of the first dens made. This den has been repared over and over as moons have gone on. What it looks like now is how it looked like when the clan was formed. It is a highly valued den and som cats even make offerings to add onto the den in a decorative style.


Fresh moss is found naturally growing here. It was a perfect place to set up the medic den! Water collects in the outside moss too! With shelves and plenty of room on the inside, the nesting and ground around the den provides a warm enclosure to keep injured cats cozy.


A tough exterier for tough kitties! Border cats have a relativly smaller den providing more of a sense of community. Being by the medics den does provide them with the best moss beds in the entire clan. Theyve decorated their den with mud and red paint.


Lushous and green just like the role theyre in! Theyve decorated with foliage based den with flowers and seeds. Vines hang down as a way to offer privacy to the cats in the den. Though with their den being more foliage and dirt, they are prone to leaks.


The log against the den offers a beam of support and a way for cats to sharpen their claws. The tree has been marked with marks from generations of guards. Its a rocky interior but the cats make up for it with leaf and moss beds.


An averege den but it was chosen due to the roots and brancheson the outside. Hunters love to display the best prey caught from the day to show to the clan before its placed in the food pile. They've also adored the den with leaves, clumps of fur from prey, and fangs from predators as trophes.


A medium size den with cozy and small nests. The den is very water resistent and warm on the inside to keep the younger cats cozy. Though with the small holes here and there at the sides offer air circuation. Its lower to the ground so its easy to enter and exit.


The warmest den in the entire clan. Provides shelter for mothers and kittens. Cats have also layered foliage over the entrance to protect the queens and blend in the den. Of course kittens love playing and tearing down these vines and leaves.


A basic den but its kept extremly neat. Close to the trainee den too of course as much as the trainees hate it. The entrance is wide open allowing the elders to interact and watch without needing to leave their nests. Its been decorated with gifts from the kittens such as flowers.


This mountain is prized in the clan for being the area leaders and medicine cats will venture to to talk to the stars one on one. The mountain is also one of the first ones a cat can pass by so travel isn't too lengthy. The trip mostly is climbing up it. Inside the mountain is a cave with satalgmites and some gems that center around a hole filled with more gemstones. Touching it will grant access to talk to the stars directly.


A cute community of wooden dens where twolegs live. A couple of cats also reside here alongside some dogs. The cabin community it upstream and provides great lighting for hunting at night if youre around the area. Cats who live here are pretty familiar with the clan cats due to the close proximity of the two locations. Surpsingly the clan is on neutral terms with them but probably wont ever allow any to join them.


Its not actually distant but it is a long journey of a few hours downstream. This lake connects to the main river and is the most abundant in fish. Its tricky to get here but the payoff is worth it. Not often will cats willingly go here so every month or so the leader will send a group to head out and bring back fish by sunset. The largest fish caught were some salmon and a cat swears they saw a shark once.


Also known as the main river, the fishing river is of course full of fish. Cats here come to fish and collect items by the river. Some areas are deep so step with caution or you might be swept away. During winter, cats have fun sliding around on the ice when safe. Rocks lay nearby some areas of the river which provide a great place for cats to camp when fishing or to relax and enjoy the sounds.


An area of the forest where the trees are more condensed and provide more canopy layers, It is darker here as light struggles to poke through providing an abundtant area for small critters to shelter and roam around. While more prey here is great, it also has more predator risk as they too also enjoy the darker area and heaps of food running around. Trainees dont come here often as they dont have the skills yet to be safe.


Outside the forest lays one of two fields, the flatlands is primarily tall grass but its a great hunting spot too. Rodents, small birds, and of course rabbits roam here. The wide open space provides a great way to stretch and run around without limits. Cats come here at night too to watch the stars and even catch a glimpse of fireflies. It is slightly risky being here due to the fact only the tall grass can offer shelter from predators.


One of the two fields outside the forest, flower field has well, flowers! A bunch of bugs too and many stories of curious trainees coming home sobbing after being stung by a bee. The scent here is amazing and there are so many flowers that grow here too. At night its a common romantic place where cats come and spend a few hours just relaxing and saying sweet promises. Fireflies also reside here adding a bonus to the romantic outing.


The area the main river suddenly splits into two. The left path will lead you to the distant lake while the other is an area cats dont dare to go. This is the furthest point a majority of cats have traveled too as the unknown is too scary to many but a few have ventured further to the lake. Why the left path to the lake? Well someone had to travel down the right path to know one shouldnt go down there...


Venturing further from the distant lake brings you to a harbor where fishing boats of twolegs are. A larger community resides nearby deeming the place fairly dangerous for the cats. Fish isnt also common here as twolegs sweep it up so the reward going here is very weak. The sandy ground here is different from what many are used to. This is an ocean. Here the legend of Pisces roams... her ghost is always around.


Taking the right path at the bend leads you to another lake, or so it seems. It looks like a lake but the off boundary at the side that leads to a cliff makes it feel uneasy. This border gave it the name rocky edge lake. Very few cats have made it this far. The sounds here are loud and occasionally a twoleg will walk by. In reality, this is a water dam.


  • Bees are very very very common in the flower fields
  • The river that leads to a huge lake and later an ocean takes many days to walk the journy.
  • A cottage town is just upstream. Its a small town but many cats reside there.
  • No one knows what resides beyond the mountain range...

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A guide is the constellation a kitten or new cat is assigned when they join or at birth that will guide them throughout life and to the stars when they die. Constellations the cats worship are of all the animal constellations plus the 12 zodiacs only. It is possible to change a guide but there us a process in the guides themselves approving alongside the leader. Cats present near the start of the clan had a chance of being a messenger when they passed. Ones tied close to a constellation were deemed a messenger who would have direct connection to the stars. Some have been renwed and some are alive today. Ancestors of these cats are rather uncommon in the camp as many never had kittens of their own.

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Naming a kitten after one of the 40+ constellations recognized is highly encouraged as they’ll be guided by that constellation through life. Kittens are often named after a constellation or related to one. Naming follows as normal with suffixes being given based on their strongest skill, nature, or looks. A dark colored kitten may be named after Corvus, a red kitten might be named after Vulpecula but all kittens must be blessed by the guide their parents choose.


Each cat, once blessed by their guide, gets a secret pattern on their body that glows whenever theyre in contact with their guide whether it he through communication or protection. These lights center around the guide they are protected by. The color of the light is usually the same color as the cat's eyes.


Blessings are rare and special. If a guide deems you as someone noticible to them, there is a chance they will give you a special blessing that swores protection for generations to come even if future cats arent protected by them. Blessed cats often are seen eith features that are similar to the guide. Only one cat in the clan has been blessed by a guide. While not seen yet, it is possible for a blessing to be taken away.


Training is decided by what personlity a kitten shows as they grow. WHile training at first is a suggested skill path,after a while it becomes more solidified as the final path. Rowdy kittens might be guards while fast kittens might be huters. If a kitten isn't preforming well in their first assigned training tree, they might be moves to fit skills that better suit them.


  • Most popualar guides are Draco and Apus
  • A few guide messengers are still around today







Warriors are divided into 4 main groups with each having their own specialty. Many are knowledgable in their primary role but it isn't rare too see a cat know skills in more than just their primary. These are secendary skills and they're usually mastered on their own.


Border cats are specialized in their agility and speed. Theyre the first in line if an enemy is at the border and their speed is needed to alert the main clan as fast as possible. Their agility is used to help check for predators and scents in any crack or crevice. There aren't many at the moment as this is a hard role to commit to. Cats mostly back away being too afraid to be the front line of defense.


Gatherers are known for knowledge and keen smell. They are similar to medicine cats though they dont need to know effects and purpose. For herbs, they need to know looks and scent. They also gather items to repair camp or for decoration. They might also gather scents and alert of migration patterns. This role isn't too popular for the more relaxed and not as many tasks to fufill. Its common for cats primary a gatherer to pick up another skill.


Guards are the second most popular role. They are the defense up close to camp and are made up of cats with the most strength and great fighting skills. They also might be fast and some are also previous border cats. Guards are very sturdy and training is difficult but many have made it through. Seeing how large the clan is, its great there are many guards. They are there incase of any surprise attacks that get past the border cats too.


Hunters are the most diverse. They specialize in normal hunting skills, fishing, and agility. These are either the speediest cats and can navigate in tiny spaces or the most skilled swimmers who can have a quick reaction to catch fish. Hunters have the most tiring role as for a clan as large as this one, one needs to hunt a lot. Thankfully the clan has a lot and this is the most common role to be apart of.

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