

Capital City Felix
Ruler Fizzle
Heir N/A
Flaw The Plague of Many Smiles
Specialty Games & Festivals


Euphoria is characterised by lush, almost golden grass, and gorgeous sun-soaked forests & fields as far as the eye can see. The civilisations of Euphoria, specifically their capital city, are renowned for their vibrant arcades, which are open 24/7, and their gorgeous festivals. There's a festival for almost everything - the seasons, birthdays, and personal achievements, to name a few.

However, every light casts a shadow, and Euphoria has a fairly large problem hidden beneath the surface. Long ago, an explorer discovered a gorgeous plant, and brought it to his village. It seemed to be able to cure any sickness, and its pollen caused crops and plants to flourish within only a few hours. This was obviously too good to be true, however, and the villagers soon found themselves afflicted with an odd sickness. The explorer was patient zero, infected before he'd even returned home, and he'd chosen to keep quiet about it in hopes that it wasn't serious.

When he finally went to the doctor with his wife's enouragement, he was swiftly quarantined, but it was already too late. Several started complaining of vomiting and bleeding a weird, thick yellow liquid with a sickly sweet taste, as well as the same liquid leaking from their eyes. Several residents' eyes also took on a more yellow tint, so it was soon decided by their king at the time to purge the infected in hopes of eradicating the illness before it could spread to the rest of the kingdom. Everyone with yellow eyes was terminated, the king was overthrown in a resulting rebellion, and every ruler since has dedicated their efforts to either trying to help or ignoring the problem.

"Just keep smiling, it'll all be okay!"

HTML by Eggy

HTML edited by TigToggle

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