cilphy's Bulletins

Character Resales

Posted 3 months, 8 days ago by cilphy

Hello~ I added a few new characters for sale. Feel free to comment or DM. Paypal & USD

I need money for vet bills soon so I'd prefer holds not be too long if any. I apologize if sending the files takes a while, cause some may have my watermarks that I have to find the file to get rid of u.u and I'm busy with work.

UPDATE on resales/trades

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by cilphy

i have made enough for bills..!!! so i'll be more open to longer holds and payment plans, will write more here >>>

Resales & Trades

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by cilphy

EDIT 4/28: I've made enough for bills! Thank you so much!! With that, I'll be open to longer holds and payment plans. I plan to upload more adopts for trade, but prioritized selling first. And I have some MYO slots I didn't do anything with - I need to find the proof of transactions later.

Some notes:

  • Holds no longer than 2 weeks
  • Payment plans no longer than 1 month
  • MYO slots: dainty, venos, stain glass dragon

Sorry if I take a bit to respond, I'm still trying to finish work deadlines >< or if I mix anything up cause getting messages from characters, comments, or DMs is a bit overwhelming.


Hello~ I'm letting go of more designs. Please take a look here and read the rules:

You can comment on this bulletin or on the characters. For Picky and Trades folders, I would prefer comments on the characters so I can keep track, but won't hurt you to comment here. I just might forget.


My friend Geist Spaceghostess is also reselling a few designs. They're ok with payment plans up to three months. Please DM them if interested. $150 $250 $680

P2U Base Sale!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by cilphy

Hello! I'll be putting these two base sets on sale for the rest of October. So if you've been interested but didn't have the money, here's your chance to grab them while you can ^^



More designs for sale/trade

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by cilphy

back once again, please take a look if interested! feel free to comment on this bulletin or PM me, but it's FCFS~

Sad news about Lilly/Starrien

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by cilphy

Hello everyone. This is extremely hard to do. I've received permission from her family to announce with a heavy heart that Lilly / Starrien has passed away on June 11th, 2022. There will be no details disclosed about her passing to respect the family's privacy.

I know she participated in trades or comms in this community, so if you've tried to message her and could not get in contact, I'm truly sorry to have to break the news. If you enjoyed her work, be it adopts/characters, her holostars fanart, or just in general, I hope everyone can remember her. She was a dear friend to me and was a huge light that made me laugh no matter the day. I'm so grateful for our friendship and will miss her so much.

There is a hashtag on twitter #StarsforLilly if anyone would like to draw art, or has any memories with her that they'd like to talk about.

Thank you for reading and giving her support.

Adopt Resales & Trades

Posted 2 years, 28 days ago by cilphy

Finally reselling, sorry this took so long. I realized how much time it took going through my adopts to pick some and then I had to work on a deadline so life just happened (': please read the info in the folders, thank you. DO NOT PM ME!! **please comment on the character's page, i won't count any on this bulletin

any messages i received before this bulletin i wont be counting since i messed up uploading the characters privately. after this i may upload more individually if i feel like i can let any more go. life just keeps throwing curve balls at me so it's been a back and forth for me mentally.

thanks for looking

Refunding & possible adopt purge

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by cilphy

Hey there everybody, gonna get straight to the point up here, but I'll go more in detail at the bottom if anybody is curious. But I want to refund my longstanding commissions I've owed for years as well as look through my adopts to see which ones I want to part with. Gonna try to dwindle it down to my most faves that I'm keeping.

If you're on this list feel free to message me if you know the price of your comms to get a refund. Otherwise I'll be checking prices and adding everything up myself to message everyone later.


And this is where I ramble. I've been rather stubborn with myself and putting off the idea of refunding everything, though it's been in the back of my mind for a long time as well. I wanted to think I could finish everything cause I didn't wanna disappoint people. But it's been a long time that I may as well not be finishing anything >< I used to be really good at drawing many comms but I'm getting older and my body is hurting more. (I drew two minis in one day and that made my wrists sore for two days) I had a breakdown a week ago where I had some bad self-destructive thoughts. After clearing my head I realized I should do what's best for my mental health and the other best thing I can do is just give everyone their money back.

The other thing is that I've just been... so focused on Vtuber commissions. I didn't think it'd blow up for me this much, I thought it'd be a nice big commission on the side while I focus on what I owe, but it turned out to be all I can do right now cause of the huge demand that came from the Vtuber boom. And I've realized how tough it is to be both the artist and the rigger. But thanks to this, I can be in a good place to do these refunds at all, so I wanted to take the chance now for a clean slate. I am afraid people will never come back and think of me as a failure but I have to accept that's how it be and this is a big world   No hard feelings of course either way, I appreciate everyone who gave me a chance and was so patient with me.

For the commissions I've taken recently, I'll still be doing those since it's a smaller list.  The likelihood of me opening regular art commissions may still be rare, but I'm hoping that with refunding I can finally open comms more often again. And even then I'll be sure to only open a few slots at a time. I do apologize for taking this long just to finally refund everyone, but once again I'm grateful for all your patience.

As for adopt purging, cause of how busy I've been I've had no time to think about OCs at all :'3 I think it's another thing I want to clear from my mind cause I feel bad I have so much characters now but can't even do much with my main characters. I'll be putting characters together, most likely uploading them then transferring so there's a trail. Might be a few days cause I gotta figure out character prices.

no longer a hato in name

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by cilphy

Just letting everyone know I changed my username again so ppl don't get confused if they try to find me /o/ was previously Izumi Hato and changed all my platforms. tried my best to find everything, but sorry if there are broken links

New P2U Base!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by cilphy

Hello! I've made a new base at the request of a friend who wanted a chibi symmetrical one ^^ 

Please go here to purchase!


I know this one costs more but I ended up kinda going all out and adding... a lot of extras. There's much more than what's shown in the image. I saw ppl tend to edit my lines and add more things to it (which is fine) and the bases with extra expressions and arms did well, so I thought I can give them to everyone with this base.

Thank you if you decide to purchase!