cirsiumthistle's Bulletins

raffle winners + next raffle

Posted 11 months, 26 days ago by cirsiumthistle

next raffle?

6 Votes character raffle (anthro)
4 Votes character raffle (feral)
2 Votes character raffle (pony)
0 Votes character raffle (humanoid)
6 Votes art/custom raffle

sorry sorry for the wait in announcing the raffle winners, here they are!!

winner are numbers 122 (Deathecon) and 606 (eclipse_furry)!

raffle winners may either respond to the bulletin or message me about what prize they would like and the details of it,

-for a shaded fullbody (anthro/humanoid/feral) please include what character you'd like drawn, preferred pose and background color

-for a pixel fullbody with simple animation (feral) please include what character you'd like drawn, what simple animation, preferred pose, and background color, also include the hex codes for the character colors if possible

- for a custom (anthro/humanoid/feral) please fill out the form here 

also poll for the july raffle! let me know if there's any themes or species or something you'd like to see!!

next raffle + free customs

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by cirsiumthistle

next raffle?

5 Votes character raffle (anthro)
2 Votes character raffle (feral)
1 Votes character raffle (pony)
7 Votes custom/art raffle

the peahen pegasus pony raffle is over and is in the process of being transferred^^ I'm planning on having raffles as a monthly thing for now so I'm doing another poll to see what kind would be preferred for may! and if there's any themes or species or something you'd like to see, feel free let me know!!

also! respond to the bulletin with a comment that says you'd like to claim a free custom and the first three people to do so get one! after you comment either respond to your comment or dm me with the details of what you'd like, you must include:

- a moodboard/color palette/set of emoji's/general theme

- your preferred species (only doing anthro, feral or pony, can be any kind)

- your preferred gender/gender presentation (feminine, masculine, gender neutral, ect.)

the customs should be done by at least the end of may. please keep in mind that they will be used as art/custom examples!