clownii's Bulletins

Adopts on alt account!!

Posted 10 months, 1 day ago by clownii

Im making some on-base adopts rn, not posting them here since I want this profile for my characters only


Posted 11 months, 16 hours ago by clownii

doing artfight this year!!! yay!

The Corruption

Posted 11 months, 11 days ago by MeowCat clownii

Research on the Corruption and Corruptors by scientist Unknown Meowcat

The Corruption:

The Corruption is a highly dangerous alien goo with a purplish hue that possesses the ability to dissolve almost everything it comes into contact with, except for leeks. This enigmatic substance poses a significant threat to the ecosystems and structures on Cat Earth, particularly due to its relentless and destructive nature.

Origins and Theory:

According to prevailing theories, the Corruption's arrival on Cat Earth can be traced back to a rare celestial event. It is believed that when all ten of Cat Earth's moons and the other planets in the solar system aligned, a unique cosmic phenomenon occurred, causing the descent of this alien form onto the planet's surface. The exact origins and purpose of the Corruption remain mysterious, as its extraterrestrial nature and the circumstances of its arrival are yet to be fully understood.


Corruptors are the creatures responsible for spreading the Corruption across Cat Earth. These tall, malnourished beings possess a distinct appearance and play a crucial role in the Corruption's life cycle. Maluscorruptus terrae is the scientific name I attributed to them.

Physical Attributes:

The Corruptors are characterized by their gaunt physique, entirely black bodies, and unique masks. The masks, pure white in color, feature a large grin with numerous small human-looking teeth and lack any discernible eyes. Notably, each Corruptor has a singular antennae protruding from their heads, which bears a seed at its end that dangles in front of the Corruptor's mask just above eye level. The seeds are of a yellow-orange color and emit a captivating cyan glow during nighttime. When the seed opens, the Corruptor perishes, planting the seed into the ground for further propagation. 

Arms and Proportions: The Corruptors have elongated arms that extend past their knees, creating an unnerving visual effect. This anatomical trait gives them a slightly disproportionate appearance.

Visible Bones: The collarbone and three ribs are prominently visible on the Corruptors' chest, adding to their emaciated and skeletal aesthetic. These skeletal features enhance their eerie and otherworldly appearance.

Seed Characteristics: The seeds carried by the Corruptors exhibit intriguing attributes. Vein-like structures and robust segments run through the seed, resembling intricate networks of darkened veins and capillaries. These characteristics suggest a complex vascular system within the seed. As I wasn't able to obtain a seed myself, I am rather unsure about the blood of these creatures, as for now, I theorise that it's Corruption.

Body Configuration: The point where the Corruptors' arms connect to their bodies is slightly shifted towards the back, contributing to their overall peculiar physique. Furthermore, their stomach area protrudes forward relative to the rest of their body, creating a noticeable imbalance in their anatomy.

Image by researcher Unknown Blank:

66738317_3tZrvngkZjnFUGZ.pngLife Cycle:

Once a Corruptor's seed is planted, a remarkable transformation takes place. Within approximately two weeks, a massive tree emerges from the ground. The tree, nourished by the Corruption-infused seed, possesses powerful roots that extend underground. These roots serve as the foundation for the growth of two to six new Corruptors. This rapid proliferation ensures the continued spread of the Corruption across Cat Earth.


Corruptors exhibit unique behaviors associated with their role in the Corruption's spread and their interaction with humans. These behaviors are crucial to understanding the dangers associated with their presence:

  1. Indirect Spreading: While the Corruptors themselves do not directly spread the Corruption, they pose a significant risk to humans. If a person is bitten or scratched by a Corruptor, a series of detrimental effects are triggered. Initially, the individual begins to feel sick and gradually turns purple as the Corruption starts affecting their body. Eventually, their skin breaks, and the alien goo seeps out, signifying the dissolution of their internal organs.
  2. Shy and Opportunistic: Corruptors display a rather "shy" nature, avoiding direct contact with humans. They prefer to approach individuals when they are unconscious or in a deep sleep, exploiting vulnerable moments to inflict harm and facilitate the spread of the Corruption. This opportunistic behavior allows them to evade confrontation and maximize their chances of infecting their victims.
  3. Sensitivity to Unconsciousness: Corruptors exhibit a heightened sensitivity to the state of unconsciousness. It is speculated that they possess a form of sensory perception that enables them to detect individuals who are asleep or in an unconscious state. This ability may be linked to their ability to sense the optimal moment to initiate contact and transmit the Corruption.
  4. Mute: Corruptors are mute, lacking vocalisation or audible communication. Their unique anatomy suggests a lack of vocal cords. The absence of vocalisation adds to their enigmatic nature, leaving me questioning their means of coordination and communication methods, which may involve non-auditory cues or signals yet to be understood.

Research Challenges:

Studying the Corruption and the Corruptors poses numerous challenges due to their hazardous and destructive nature. Researchers face difficulties in capturing live specimens for detailed analysis, as direct contact with the Corruption can have devastating consequences. Furthermore, the elusive nature of the Corruptors and their affinity for the Corruption-infested regions make them challenging to observe and study in their natural habitat.

OC thing update for everyone

Posted 1 year, 27 days ago by clownii

I decided that all of my ocs are ageless, ignore if the age is something different, I'm too lazy to change it on every char since I have like 100 of them


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by clownii

Free art requests, fill out the form to get one:

Read my Tos!!!

Only 1 per person please!

Accepting like 5-10 of these!!

Dumb Idea I just had

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by clownii

Okay so when we change username on th the link breaks so if instead of linking the profile we link a character? Or like make a character for that? idk dumb idea

Apple pencil broke

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by clownii

It won't charge, now I draw either with my finger or with one of those dumbass styluses without pen pressure

I Got A New Cat!!!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by clownii

I Got A New Cat! His name is Nugget but I call him Nuggy! He’s a Maine Coon!!!


Username Change!!! (Again)

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by clownii

Now I call myself Clown Skunk, I'm making a new character and I really like it so now I'm Clown Skunk 

I Made A New Carrd

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by clownii

I made a new Carrd because the old one was ugly

New Carrd