cupidzrock-net's Bulletins

new yr new userrrrr :333 !!! so sad not a lot of sites will let me use a " . " </3333

so i'll be under cupidzrock-net for some/majority , cupidzrocknet for 1 or two sites?? and for also a few that allow it LOLOL, need to update my entire profile n carrd when i get the chance guh..

but finally a new user for myself that i like ^__^ n fits a lot of me and my fav shiba trio <3333


Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by cupidzrock-net

where are my werewolf enjoyers we r gonna win THIS YEARS ARTFIGHTTT >:3333 , come and join me :333

if you're on team vampire feel free to drop your artfight ^__^ !!! werewolves too, i'm fine with attacking both teams :'3

2022 art summary <3 + wrapped

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by cupidzrock-net

aka my higurashi fixation takes me over :sob:

cheers to a new yr !! <3



birthday !!!!!!!! yippee !!!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by cupidzrock-net

happy birthday 2 me !! im 19 now !!! <3

artfight !!!!!!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by cupidzrock-net


my artfight !!!!! i will be on team bloom :3c 

im 100% okay w friendly fire and revenge attacks !!

though i won't go for revenge chains >__<''' i worked like hell this whole month on ref sheets to prepare for artfight , so i might be on break for the first wk once it starts !!

happy pride month !!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by cupidzrock-net

cheers to being gay <3 🏳️‍🌈

my icon is gonna change each wk w a diff identity i am ( and also the characs i choose are my hcs for them heart) ^__^/

small edit ; and if anyone's confused or curious to what flag my pfp is currently , it's the sunset bisexual flag [ made by smatterbrain ] + meanings ;; love it sm more,,, one of my fav sunsets , also edit by me !! colorpicked from the tbhk anime <3 i've done a bunch more colorpicked flags :o so if anyone wants their flag(s) feel free to comment <3

and the character is rena ryuugu from higurashi, when they cry , going to be doing higurashi characs for this pride month hehe 

oc questions !!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by cupidzrock-net

stole this from 2 ppl hehee

1.) Which of your characters represent you the most?

hard to say.. while i do have a truesona... i have another sona that represents me a lil more ?? ig more internally

valery - my everything, she is me >< , externally from my aesthetic, and more
sin - represents more of my internal feelings n struggles, she is a half a ventsona so ;__;

2.) Which of your characters represent you the least?

from my sonas folder kandi , i just based her more off of what mokke do

3.) What is your favorite design you made?

OOHH OKAY UM long list
i own

mimi  [ nijinu more, gonna redesign og. form soon ]
roxel - not linking her till i redesign the hell out of her + she's part of a story so LMFAOO

people/friends own

sasuke kinsona
kazuha inpsired oc.. [ originally supposed to be teru + kazuha inspired but i fucked up LMFAOO ]

4.) What is your favorite design you own?

valery , alice  >>>

5.) What is your biggest yet-to-obtain dreamy?

anyone in heart eyes, excluding some bc it's a half/half between i rlly love their design and "dreamie"

6.) What is your most prized achieved dreamie?

i have... none atm LMFAO

7.) What is your oldest character?

slaps rose down

8.) What is your newest character?

satorika based ocs...... dies im in full higurashi brainrot [ mango and berry ]

9.) Favorite feral character you own?

alice <3

10.) Favorite human(oid) character you own?

i barely own human/oid OCs, but i rlly want more :sob: 

11.) Favorite anthro character you own?

too many to list but anyone in question 3

12.) First original species character you obtained?

i forgot :sob: does my own count even LMFAOOO 

14.) What character do you plan to shower with love next?

my upcoming rena kinsona, sorry guys my higu brainrot :/

15.) What character holds the most $$$ value?

if i had money n a bank acc to use when i was super young rose would have so much worth :sob: 

16.) What character has the most art?

rose , she was a former fursona before i lost connection as a sona and generally being a "wolf" and felt more connected to dogs and saw myself more as a shiba inu :sob:

17.) What character has the most favorites?

mei !! i rlly wanna redesign her a bit, but im currently having trouble so it'll be a while LMFAOO

18.) Any characters you co-own?

no, i was planning to w my bf, but that oc... never happened LMFAO

19.) If you had to give up all your ocs but one, which would you keep?

no. [ it's too hard to give up all my OCs, :sob: i have a rlly deep connection, esp. w rose n radio, who are two my oldest OCs , along w roxel ]

20.) Any characters based off of show/book/movie/game?

presents u my comfort folder
mimi - kokomi from genshin impact
spook - hu tao from genshin impact
mango - satoko from higurashi when they cry
berry - rika from higurashi when they cry
alice - nene from toilet bound hanako-kun
cheri - sakura from toilet bound hanako-kun

21.) Your smartest character?

....idk i haven't developed them enough yet LMFAOOO 

22.) Your clumsiest character?

zack !! lil dummy pubby !!

23.) Your evilest character?

not on this acc LMFAO

24.) Your sweetest character?

again... a character not fully developed, but cupid <3

25.) Do you have a season/holiday themed character?

not yet.... maybe.. i used to own one but i deleted them bc of the horrid design :sob:

26.) A character you are currently wanting to rehome more than any?

idk check my storage accs 

27.) Which of your character's names do you like most?

valery/valentine ,mimi, strawberry, cupid

28.) Which character have you drawn most?

rose, again former sona :sob:

29.) Any hybrid characters?

valery (demon x shiba inu)
cupid (cupid x shiba inu)
mimi (scottish fold x betta fish x dragon)
spook (cat x bat)
poppy + hazel (scottish fold x koi)
poland (husky x orca)
cola (shark hybrid thing)
shrimp (shrimp hybrid thing)
K1TT3N (catgirl)
alina (vampire x cat)

30.) Your most unique character?

idek, whatever depends on what ppl would define unique to them, story, design, etc. etc.

abt me !!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by cupidzrock-net

[ stolen again LMAO ]

name ; kiki , cupid , valentine/valery , and mimi [ in reference to kokomi from genshin !! ] ^__^ /

nicknames ; wolfy/wolfie [ in reference to my very old user " wolfgirl5618 " ] , and a bunch more.. i had a whole list to track all of em but i left that server that had it LMAO 

don't call me wolfy... bc im not connected to that name >< if you knew me during that era... ur fine ig but pls call me by my names now !! <3

age ; 18 !! ^__^/ ( dec 16 )

height 5’3 (last time i was checked >< idk my current height)

zodiac sign sagittarius 

any pets? ; no ;; i wish i had pets tho

fun fact ; idk warrior cats is the longest fandom i've been in, never dropped it !!

♡ identity and personality ♡

gender identity ; agender [ gender neutral / fem-aligned ] , girlflux , genderfae/doe [ + some xenos which i will never open abt on the internet unless we're super close :thumbs_up: ]

it's hard to exactly pin point my feelings but the closest are the ones i've listed !! 

pronouns ; she/mew are ones i love being used the most but other neos... i have are lov(e)/pup/cloud !! 

i would mostly prefer if u didn't use he/him or they/them on me bc it makes me uncomfortable, you may use they/them if u don't know how to refer to me but :hand_splayed: pls use she/her if u know them... 

sexual orientation ; ace-spectrum bisexual :thumbs_up:

relationship status ; taken <3 

myers/briggs type ; isfj most likely LMAO

♡ routine ♡

early bird or night owl? ; early bird ><

bath or shower? ; bath !!

first thought in the morning ; either wtf happened in my dream or what notifs i got on discord , or idk something i remember abt that i needed to remember the next day , it varies

last thought before falling asleep ; like ^ it varies , i could be thinking abt what i did w the gc , or whatever comes to mind during that whole day

♡ school/work ♡

do you work or are you a student? ; student.. im a senior :thumbs_down:

what do you do well? ; uh............ :grin: let's not.. LMAO

♡ habits (do you...?) 

drink ; no... 

exercise ; LMFAO NO

have a go-to comfort food? ; donuts or maggi [ indian noodles ] which used to be so fucking good but they had to change the recipe bc of some poisoning thing in the food :sob: and now they taste like shit or /plastic/

have a nervous habit? ; i have an awful habit of biting the inside of my cheeks and then getting irritated abt it the next day it swells and instead of leaving it , i irritate it more :sob: 

♡ what is your favorite...?

food? ; donuts ^__^/

drink? ; milkshakes , and sprite or fanta/crush soda <3

animal? ; 
domesticated ?? - dogs , mostly shiba inus , i will have a hoard of them i love shibas sm and would do anything for em , ferrets 
wild - wolves (and more animals but im so head empty rn)
aquatic - seals , sharks , koi , moon jellyfish ><

artist/band/group ; hard to say :sob: i'm a mix rlly but g an old 3 days grace fan , i still wanna make an "animal i've become" AMV/PMV so bad :sob:

video games ; *looks at my pfp* genshin impact,,, forgive me for the absolute loser i am,,,

tv show ;  toilet-bound hanako-kun !! [ manga has me in tears tho crying ] , higurashi ^__^/ 

boundaries !!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by cupidzrock-net

[ stolen bc i wanted to join everyone doing this :thumbs_up: i'll do another one of these tmrrw bc it's like 8 PM rn HAASYFVBASF]

asking to be friends 
we can be mutuals :thumbs_up: , if u wanna be friends w me be nice n a cool person ,,,, don't be weird or some shit,,, 

+im not good at keeping most close friends bc i become distant overtime n chatting takes a lot of my social battery if we're not super close !! [ i do semi-better in servers bc there's more ppl to talk to, i get closer way easier that way rather than dms or sumn idk ]

linking ocs 
i'd love to do this omg !!! im slowly working on my OCs a lot more ;; so i'll post a bulletin soon when im completely done w everyone !! i'd love to link OCs !! wahhh

asking to hear my voice/get in a call
if u wanna hear my voice just go to my youtube channel or collab channel w my gc [ i don't have vids w my voice rn so :hand_splayed: you'll get that stuff way later ]

as to get in a call w me , no ty , unless we're in a server together then i'll be fine to talk !!

asking to see pictures of me
UM.... ???? no LMAO , gonna have to wait a few years once i finally move out or live w my internet friends and we cosplay together

art inspiration
mixed feelings abt this tbh , somewhat fine and not , minor inspo is fine , but not to an extreme point [ copying, tracing, y'know ] bc it rlly goes to a point of discomfort LMAO

design inspiration 
same as above ^ , light inspo fine, but not to an extreme point to where im super uncomfortable/carbon copies of a design or whatever

asking for co-ownerships
never done this , but if i were to , it would most likely be close friends only :sob:

asking for pings
art , adoptables , certain characs ufo, etc. - yeah , i'll try to keep track of em if i can !!

asking to offer on characters
only when i post bulletins , or edits abt a character , or mention that they have been transferred to one of my alts !!

putting my ocs in dreamie folders
:thumbs_up: knowing my OCs r dreamies ??? makes me rlly happy ???

a small update from my previous bulletin: i finally got my internet back :] it's finally fixed wahoo !!