deviantArt's Bulletins

Once a week

Posted 8 years, 1 day ago by deviantArt

I'm going to be checking/updating less frequently. If someone feels the need to contact me for some reason, it's better to do it through my deviantart.

Streaming [OFFLINE]

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by deviantArt
  • stream link:
  • status: on
  • genre: Art
  • age restriction: PG-13 (nothing straight-up NSFW, everything else less extreme goes)
  • duration: At least three hours.
  • what are you doing right now?: Drawing OCs who need updated or new references.

Describing my folders here

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago by deviantArt

This is a sort of placeholder/substitute since the TH staff is taking their sweet sweet sweeeet time making a basic text description field to the gallery folders.

==Rue and Woe==

Flipping off higher powers: an Elle Hendricks Autobiography. My main project. Features a BUTTLOAD of characters. As for plot- its strongest inspirations are JJBA: Battle Tendency, The Adjustment Agency and Discworld. Make of that what you will...


Changelings/Woodlings: 1) Changelings are Kemonomimi , known for their highly adaptive bodies, physicalist worldview and superior physical attributes. A few are capable of voluntary shapeshifting into animal form, or look like large articulate versions of animals, but most changelings resemble humans with a few animal-like traits. 2) Woodlings are shapeshifting fungal colonies, known for having very large bodies split into many individual-like "limbs", being nearly impossible to kill and having excellent intellects. They usually have a single "limb" devoted to communication with humanoids, which usually looks like a pointy-eared human female with long hair and is usually called a "dryad".

Humans/Demons: 1) R&W humans are physically the same as Earth humans, with a few mental differences, one  being enchantments- involuntarily splitting off part of one's soul into a cherished tool or weapon, granting it unusual magical abilities. The effect is strongest in individuals with well-disciplined minds. Another major difference is a powerful unexplained phobia towards certain elements of the supernatural, that goes far beyond even Earth humans' fears. 2) Demons, aka darklings, are humans born with cosmetic shapeshifting abilities and high body temperatures, but otherwise completely human. They usually are highly attractive, with driven, impulsive natures. They lack permanent enchantments, instead being capable of briefly projecting their soul onto inanimate objects to move them from a distance- an ability known as "sorcery". Humans kill them on sight, so mostly demons live undercover or among the few humans who can tolerate them.

Immortals- Very scary, very dangerous people, believed to fall into two warring camps- the Brethren ("angels" to the ignorant) and the Fallen ("devils", similarly), with a few members being somewhere in between. All of them are old as hell and many have incredible talents beyond human comprehension or attainment.

Unknown Species- Aliens and robots. The robots are powered by willpower and the aliens are just freaky deaky and all of them are old as hell.

Main Protagonists: An incubus, a talking fungus, a dragon-boy and a college undergraduate. In other words, the scum of the earth.

==Other Folders

Apeiron- Biochemistry, fistcuffs, tentacled horrors from beyond known reality! Mostly fisticuffs!  My "middle child" project. Basically a shonen fightan series with a human-monster child heroine (Abby) and a hugeass conspiracy to kill her. Has gone through... six or seven redos, some actually started with comics or prose (all were false starts, alas). There are relatively few characters, all of whom I consider well-developed already, but the actual plot varies wildly and the whole thing is on hiatus while I finally get the plot into a shape I like.

The Regulators- My very first project. Has undergone like a billion rethinks and redos, all in my head. It has been a twisted fantasy adventurer story, an anti-magical police procedural, a post-apocalyptic cosmic horror story, a supernatural psychological-political thriller, a metaphorical fantasy diatribe on race and trust, etc, and in its current state is all of those things at once. Only a slight fraction of the cast has profiles here- the rest are in my head since I'm always shifting characters and plot elements around. So my main/favourite characters are the only characters who are consistent enough to bother with a character page.

Gungear Artwar- A thing for a deviantart RP group. Currently under construction. Planned to feature a few alternate-versions of already-existing characters and a profile for the "STAR Spectrals" unit they lead in battle.

Psy yi yi- Joke and misc. characters, mostly. Some may have cameos in my larger project, but mostly they are for silly RPing/trolling purposes or too lovably insane to discard. Also fond memories of griefing the shit out of a certain MMO.


What I do

Full-body or waist-up, colored and with a simple background. I prefer something similar back.

Rights: I may post your part of the trade to my character galleries, fully attributed to you. Please let me know if you do not want your art put in my chars' pages. As for my end of the art trade, you may post it anywhere you like, provided you attribute it to me. Please ask for derivations or alterations, however.

Please wait for me to accept the offer before presenting me your end of the trade.

What I do and do not do

No: Nonhumanoids (including nagas/merpeople), furries, NSFW (gore, sex, genitalia) or chibis.

Yes: Everything else. Kemonomimi (humans with animal ears and tails) and horrifying monsters are fair game.

If you have a specific pose in mind, let me know, I enjoy drawing dynamic poses.

EXAMPLES of my art can be found at my dA profile

I have never missed a single trade after 40 of them.


Here is a list of characters I would prefer for art trades (you can also browse other chars from my gallery)