dreamordecay's Bulletins


Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by dreamordecay

OK so it's been a hot minute since I made a bulletin. Here's my current status!

I recently moved out of my parent's house and into an apartment with my partner. This move has been fairly stressful, though positive overall, and so to deal with the stress, I've thrown myself into my hobby and have been developing as many characters as I can come up with. I don't know who has the most characters on toyhouse or how many there are but I am determined to be #1.

Anyway, today I'm going through a lot of my characters and figuring out my plans for them, plus uploading more characters. I have 150+ listed on my personal trello board, and while I'm definitely not getting them all up today, I'm at least trying to make a dent in the backlog. Possibly drawing some designs for the ones that don't have them yet? We will see.

That's all for today. See you next time!

Goals for August

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by dreamordecay

Hi! For those who do not know me, I'm Moxie (or Torch, or Proxy), and collecting & developing characters is my hobby. I am not an artist, so it ends up being an expensive hobby since I try to commission a bunch of art for each one lol.

For each character (or folder), I have various goals in terms of what stories I want to write with them, what art I want to commission for them, etc., and every month, I plan to take ten characters and get a few of those goals done. I'm writing them down here in the hopes that it'll motivate me to actually work on them.

This month, here are the ten characters & some goals:

  1. Amaru: A Ninjago fan character I bought from someone who left the Ninjago fandom. Unsure what I'm doing with them Just Yet, but I'd like to figure something out.
  2. Ecky: An adoptable I got ages ago, I have a story with her I want to finish that's been drafted, I just have to revise it before sending it out to be proofread.
  3. Fursonas Folder: Just the folder! I'm gonna scribble ideas for a folder icon, and then hopefully commission a better one lol.
  4. Halloween, Deity of Halloween: A design I commissioned from my good friend Chris! They appear in the same story as Ecky.
  5. Lana: Another Ninjago fan character from the same person, I am trying to incorporate her into my various AUs, so I have a WIP short story with her.
  6. Meri: Another Ninjago fan character, this one created by me. Most of Meri's character development is based off someone else's fanseason, so I'm trying to come up with something Just For Them.
  7. Moxie: My primary fursona! I want to finish a story with them & Torch (my secondary fursona) and then fix up the pages for their Dream and Nightmare forms after finally getting designs for them.
  8. Proxy: My tertiary fursona, mostly for Proxy I just want to make plans for what stories I'm gonna be writing with them and not actually write them just yet lol.
  9. Ruby Goldberg: A Lego City Adventures fan character, I can't write the main story I have with her until I finish a completely unrelated story, but I might try to plan out a oneshot just for fun.
  10. Torch: My secondary fursona, I'm gonna finish the story with them & Moxie and then finalize some other story plans.
Other goals are to get some more listings up & track down some art I have on my computer to upload. That's it! Thanks 4 reading!