KATAT9 is a 7-Member German boy group under Goldphisch Studio.
It consists of boy 1, boy 2, boy 3, boy 4, boy 5, boy 6 and boy 7. 
They debuted on January 26th of 2016 with the song "Dding Dding". Their latest single is "Existenz". They are known for advocating for progressive politics and diversity. Their name is based on the phrase "kat tat" which is Turkish and roughly translates to "coat of taste", often seen on the packaging of Turkish wafer sweets like Rulokat. There are 9 coats of taste, the members, the fans and You. (text taken from the official KATAT9 website.)

KATAT9 Fandom Name: Waffeln

KATAT9 Current Dorm Arrangement:

- they all live in their own apartments

KATAT9 on social media:

Official Website: katat9.de
twitter: @katat9_official
instagram: @katat_9
facebook: Official_KATAT9
YouTube: KATAT9
TikTok: katat9