
Meet Your Beloved...


Cyrilla Vampire

An assassin with a lust for blood, Cyrilla is flirtatious and unfazed by anything that most would see as horrifying. As a vampire, she can easily charm others with just a single, simple look into her eyes.
After a chance encounter with a runaway hero, Cyrilla fell in love, and decided to do anything to keep her new pet happy...


Mai Siren

During an escape attempt from a Hydralma, Mai made the mistake of Singing with her friends around her - only to discover that she has the ability to charm women instead of men with her Siren's Song. Under the stress of the realisation of what she'd done, Mai's personality did a complete 180...


Nura Demon

A succubus summoned from Tirnog by an arrogant summoner, Nura has no qualms about dancing a seductive dance to break the arrogant little girl's mind. In the end, she has no doubts that she'll emerge victorious from their battle of wills - leaving the subjugated summoner with only the desire to be hers.


Lucille ???

After her mind broke entirely, Lucille found herself with no morals to stop her from making sure that her friends would never be hurt or taken from her, ever again. Although she used to be so afraid of mind control... The beautiful patterns she can create will erase their fear, too.