The magi-mute, a mysterious magical force from outer space, falls onto Earth and begins to alter its animals. This bestows them with strange powers and characteristics--the powers being magic and the characteristics being mutations. Most animals have some mix of both, but some are affected in only one way, which can affect their standing in society.

The main character is Rush, a loner dog with few mutations (anime hair haha). Preferring to live alone, her life is upended one day when a mysterious stranger comes chasing a group of villains into her territory. This stranger, Winter, reveals that the world beyond Rush's small bubble is growing increasingly in danger. Winter claims if Rush stands by and does nothing, nothing will change and life will only become harder for everyone--including Rush herself. Begrudgingly being taken under Winter's wing, Rush is forced to put aside her comfortable life of solitude--not just for herself but, eventually, for the sake of the world. Y'know. Typical hero stuff.

All the names & designs here are subject to alterations. It's gonna take me a while to make them fit thematically and stuff.