fernkgo's Bulletins

lf art! (art trades + offering usd)

Posted 4 months, 27 days ago by fernkgo

hiii im looking to get art of my baby https://toyhou.se/25063130.mao

can offer:
- usd via paypal
- art trade (examples and types here https://toyhou.se/24046833.commissions)

pls be ok with drawing mao!! and if asking for an art trade pls lmk what type of art of mine youre primarily interested in. im ok with offering an animated piece for something still-image if i like ur art style ^o^

usd commissions open!

Posted 5 months, 5 days ago by fernkgo

commissions open!

hii so for the new year + bc i wanna save up for a couple things im opening up my commissions yaaay
these aren't fcfs and they're unlimited slots so PLEASE PLEASE read thru my tos/can cant draws before ordering

the only type of commissions i wont be doing this time around are sugar crash icons since those were open recently
and im kinda burnt out from making them,, idk i just dont feel like making them rn sob

examples and prices are here along with tos https://toyhou.se/24046833.commissions
you can comment ordering there or on this bulletin idm

also since there's price ranges feel free to ask for a quote on how much your character would cost!

thanks! ill shoot you a dm if im doing your comm ^o^




commission type:
character: (link here, or ic)
extra comments: (do you need a hold? do you want anything specific?)

if youre interested in commissioning me for a custom just comment and ill dm you abt it!
and in dms we can discuss whether or not im ok with that idea n such ^o^

taking offers on ocs

Posted 6 months, 4 days ago by fernkgo

hiii im taking offers on some ocs! comment on bulletin to offer pls!

(cotten design) https://toyhou.se/16776710.wisp (trades)
(kuruzi design) https://toyhou.se/19581724.cheshire-ufo (trades/resale)
(cotten design) https://toyhou.se/19573885.mokko-yuko (art)
https://toyhou.se/19798470.cinco-childe (trades/art)
https://toyhou.se/20042064.-marrow (trades/art/usd)
https://toyhou.se/24388657.patchi (trades/art)
https://toyhou.se/24552675.custom (trades/art)

trades or art for anyone here https://toyhou.se/ferndudu/characters/folder:all 


closed oh em gee

Posted 6 months, 5 days ago by fernkgo

would any1 be interested in a fb like one of these for either 1000 robux via gamepass (with tax so i can get the full amount) or a $10 roblox giftcard?? just comment on bulletin with oc link to claim if ur interested yaya




art fight!

Posted 11 months, 3 days ago by fernkgo

im a little late on linking my artfight but if u wanna come on over then feel free!


im team vampire!! and im gonna try my best to attack back as much as possible but i get burnt out easily ToT
ill also do friendly fire possibly! :)