fun_fetti's Bulletins

Artfight !!

Posted 3 months, 7 days ago by fun_fetti


So excited, just two more weeks!! Here's my hit list too!!

Artfight HITLIST 2024

Posted 4 months, 6 days ago by fun_fetti


Hi everyone!! Getting excited for Art fight as of late so I made a hit list for this year!!

I know that it's still like two months away but damn it I'm excited. 

I am planning (time permitting) to revenge everything I get!! So go crazy with requests or my characters.

(If we are mutuals/you attacked me last year and I have revenge pending from last year YOU BET YOU'RE TOP OF THE LIST FOR THIS ONE)


Here is my Artfight link!

Anyway back to writing. See you there in a couple months ;)

     This is the kinda stuff I end up writing when I'm doing draft outlines. It made me chuckle so I needed to share LMAO. I love writing fan fics very much. 



     Thanks to everyone for your patience as I go through my commission queue!!!! I've been so much more productive now that my schedule has calmed down and am aiming for at least one draft/comm finished every single day!! Two on days I have more time (Like yesterday). My one day of rest from writing is Sunday (or Holidays) but even them I have been chipping away at comms mwahahaha!!

Everyone who has a commission pending should get something pretty soon, and should be seeing their position on the queue get higher and higher!! Please keep checking Trello for any of my updates or feel free to reach out and ask!! Thank you for everyone's patience!!! I am giving it my all to sprinkle some extra writing for those who have been waiting. I love y'all.


For those who have asked:

     I am opening drabble gacha (SKEB writing) slots sometime this weekend! They will be written in the second half of May. I'm unsure how many will be open, but if you are interested DM me or comment and I will add you to the wait list!!

     I will also open one more long-form one-shots (up to 3.5k) sometime this month, to be written between the end of May beginning of June. Again, if you are interested DM me or comment and I'll add you to the wait list!!

     If you don't care for a wait, I offer a "top of the line" option. Only one of them is open every two weeks, to make sure that I keep the queue fair for everyone!!

That's all, have a great day y'all!! <3 <3


Hello everyone!! Thank you for your patience these past weeks, I'm feeling much better and I'm finally able to keep writing!!!

<3 <3 <3

My April queue is closed for anyone who hasn't yet reached out, so I can focus on finishing my queue. 

Once I reach a 5 pieces workload (Once I have 5 gachas and 5 One-shots at the same time in my queue) I will be opening a slot for every piece I finished. 

If you want to be added to this new wait list, let me know!! 
Once your spot opens, I'll reach out with payment details (there's a 10-day window to pay, never a rush!!) and you'll have your piece started right away <3 

Thank you everyone for your patience!! I am now writing as much and as fast as I can hahahaha.

Have a great day everyone!!

Sick (Comm/Trade Delay)

Posted 5 months, 10 days ago by fun_fetti

Hi everyone!!

Just a quick FYI, have been struggling with a bad cold for the past two days and today my butt has been officially kicked. Looking at screens hurt, so I will be back to writing, Discord messaging and drawing in the next day or two. Thank you everyone for your patience!!!

<3 peace

Price Change (all slots taken!!)

Posted 5 months, 22 days ago by fun_fetti

Hi everyone!!

I'm changing my pricing for one-shot pieces, an increase of 5 USD cents per 1000 words. 


Here's a comparison for y'all:

WordcountBefore (March)After (April)
500 wordsN/A13USD

With how much outlining and drafting goes into a one-shot compared to a drabble, pay per hour was not IT at all. 

Everyone who has already reached out for a word count one-shot before this announcement will be charged according to the March pricing!! 3ab5c778.gif?v=d7271437

I am also opening THREE March pricing spots before the change is permanent:

1. Jellolas

2. Destoonie


If anyone wants the March pricing before it's gone, please DM or comment!! I'll add you to my late April queue <3 <3 
Pricing is as-is, but any Hyperfixation discounts may apply!! 

This is open for three days or until filled!! Then, my one-shot price changes are permanent. 

Always remember I have a PWYW version for cheaper, bite-size pieces!! <3 <3


A couple of people wanted to know about non-gacha drabbles (where you request a specific prompt instead of me having creative control in choosing).

That's an option now!! I added it to my pricing menu, you can read about it here!!

OPEN - PWYW Drabble slots (TAT one week)

Posted 6 months, 17 hours ago by fun_fetti

Hi everyone!!!


I'm doing great on my current one-shot/letter queue, so I'm opening some same-week gacha drabble spots!!

I get stuck in longer commissions sometimes, so focusing on something simpler in between my breaks helps me keep myself motivated and productive!!

Taking 3 SAME WEEK ones and unlimited ones after that!!

If you're interested comment or DM me <3

<3 <3

Fun_fetti - F2E Writing Raffle!!

Posted 6 months, 11 days ago by fun_fetti

You heard it here, folks!!

Closes on the 23rd <3 

New Instagram!!

Posted 6 months, 12 days ago by fun_fetti

Just to let y'all know! I have a new instagram, wahoo!!


I'll be posting snippets/summaries of different comms and personal projects there. Come say hi!!

! 💕 March Birthday Discounts !!! ! 💕

Posted 6 months, 21 days ago by fun_fetti




My birthday's on the 23rd wo-hoo!!


So I'm hosting some fun discounts for March!! I'd love love love to be able to afford a drawing tablet for my b-day. 

Every commission over 15USD from now till my birthday will be getting 300-600 extra words 

That's around an extra page per comm!! I'll kick my own ass to give out some STELLAR FICS WOHOO!!

(This applies to both PWYW and regular word-count Comms)

(NSFW too!)

Also, here: 

My hyperfixation discount for the month!!

Everyone who comms me in something I like gets even more free writing!! Writing stuff I like for my B-day would be awesome!!

Have a great day everyone!!

3ab5c778.gif?v=d7271437March queue is still open for both the first and second half of March!! The earlier you comm, the faster you'll get your first draft <3