
These characters and drawings are from a set of comics and other stuff I made in like 3rd-4th grade that was "based on" the weird LARP adventures my friends and I had during recess. The idea was we were a group of Totally Spies/Sailor Moon heroines with all sorts of superpowers. We hopped through different dimensions and used our powers to save the day, have adventures, reenact scenes from the cartoons and stuff we were watching... you name it. The idea kinda lives on in one of my other story ideas, working title "World Building".

I don't think the comics directly related to any of the specific storylines we acted out during recess, but I think they have the same sort of feel according to what I can remember. I actually don't know if I ever showed the comics to the friends I did the LARPing with, or certainly not much of it, probably because they were so me-centric LOL. I will censor names and such where applicable to protect privacy, but otherwise I'll probably just upload the stuff that wasn't based on IRL people.

If I ever decide to publish full pages online I'll post the link here!