An extraordinary young woman has landed in a position of power, untested, and untried. She must navigate the pitfalls of being a ruler over a people she’s never met, and protect them from an enemy she’s been taught all her life is evil. Will she be able to handle the pressures of magic, stone knights, dragons, and abounding conspiracies, or will she succumb to the will of her enemies? Discover Princess Serai’s true potential in, The Wars of Seven Princes!

The Wars of Seven Princes takes place in an alternate universe, similar to our own, but with three distinct and separate realms. In the First Realm, live The First Born. These are beings of power as they can naturally manipulate the elements to their will and are inately tied to nature. Then there is The Human Realm, where many of the same things that have taken place during our history have happened. Lastly there is the Third Realm, this is where the exiled Princely Beings, Liberi, and other humanoid and non-humanoid races live.

In the Third Realm, the Liberi, a race of half-human and half-First Born, have bene charged with maintaining the exile of the fallen Princely Beings, who were once First Born until there was a civil war that led to their exile.

So Far the Liberi have succeeded in keeping the Princely Beings at bay, and have won two wars with them thanks to their mountain castle and giant stone knights. Two hundred years have past since the last war, and now Princess Serai is taking up the mantle as the ruler of the Liberi.

With her return to the Third Realm, the rulers of the Princely Beings, House Fell, have begun to stir. There is rumor swirling about that one of the princes seeks to marry the Liberi Princess and at last secure a way into The Human Realm.


Genre Fantasy
Period Alternative
Setting The Thrid Realm
Roleplay Friends Only
Rating 18+ Only
Membership Closed





To the north in the Third Realm lives the Liberi people, a race of half-human, half-First Born humanoids. They live in a kingdom the call The Green and are ruled by a monarch. Currently that monarch is Princess Serai Grenlong, the daughter of the late King Dov and Queen Carmen Grenlong, and neice to Duke Raymond Grenlong.

The Green consists mainly of The Barren Mountains, which is thought to be the only way in and out of The Third Realm, below are gentle valleys ripe for farming crops and livestock. Just below the valleys are a series of plains which lead to The Small Wood and The Glass Lake where the Forest Folk dwell.

While they are half-First Born, many of the Liberi cannot perform magic, or casting as it's called. There are a few exceptions of course, but they tend to be rare. The Liberi also face a mounting problem. Unlike their parents, the Liberi seem to be sterile like mules. Princess Serai was the exception to this, and she is considered to be a miricle child.


To the south in The Third Realm lies the Kingdom of the Nine, which is home to the exiled Princely Beings. Princely Beings were once considered to be First Born, however they had a civil war with their kin and lost. Their punishment was permanent exile away from both the First Born and the humans.

The Kingdom of the Nine is ruled by an elected monarch and his family, they are called House Fell. House Fell is led by the High King, Lucition, and his five brothers; High Admiral Levithorn, Viceroy Beelought, Lord Maliton, Lord Asmond, and Lord Asterion, and lastly his wife Queen Lilith. Together, they have seven children between them. They are Princes Ira, Elatus, Sommnus, Brama, Advierta, Invidia, and Venter.

Lucition is preparing to pass on the crown to his son Elatus, since his eldest son is currently suffering a blood curse. Once Elatus is crowned High King, his siblings will also begin to take over their fathers' respective roles. Queen Lilith has spurred her son Elatus to seek marriage with Princess Serai.



Princess Serai has returned and is being crowned as the ruler of the Liberi people. She is apprehensive about her appointment and feels as though she might falter. Her uncle, Duke Raymond Grenlong, and her best friend and guardian Dimitri Warshantheart assure her that her fears are unfounded. She begins to see her subjects who have gathered for the ceremony when a scream shatters the scene.


Princess Serai is shocked to see two strangers who appear to be see-through approach her throne. They introduce themselves as Prince Sommnus and Prince Brama Fell of House Fell and say that they are pleased to see that she has returned. Both Duke Raymond and Dimitri stand in front of Serai to block her from their view and ask them to leave peacefully.

Prince Brama says that they will once he gets one more glimpse of the princess, and after peering around the princess' guards he seems satisfied and keeps his word. The princes vanish without a trace.

Serai confronts her uncle and Dimitri, asking if anyone else could tell if the princes were see-through. Duke Raymond assures her that they weren't really in the room, that they were likely using magic, and Dimitri explains that Serai has a sight that allows her to see certain types of magic.



We are introduced to Princess Serai and some of the members of her court at Castle Frostovin, during her coronation as ruler of the Liberi, Prince Sommnus Fell and Prince Brama Fell interupt and cause a commotion. They are asked to leave by Duke Raymond.

Then we follow the princes back to the south where House Fell is preparing for a feast, and Prince Elatus, having just been named Regent, is upset with his half-brothers being late. During the dinner it is revealed the Princess Serai has returned, Queen Lilith dismisses her husband and his brothers so that she can talk with the princes about a pathway to marriage with Serai, so that at last the Princely Beings can travel north and enter the realm of the humans.

As it turns out it is time for the yearly meeting at The Glass Lake, a neutral zone of sorts where the Liberi and the Princely Beings have been able to have diplomatic relations for the past two hundred years since Serai has been gone. Now Serai and some of her court are planning to meet with the new Regent Elatus, and his uncles Lord Maliton and Lord Asmond.



1970 : TITLE

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1960 : TITLE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc luctus rutrum quis quis urna.

1970 : TITLE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc luctus rutrum quis quis urna.



The Princess of the Liberi

Princess Serai was sent to grow up in The Human Realm for her safety, but has now returned to assume her role as ruler of the Liberi people. She is considered to be a miricle child since both of her parents were Liberi and they were thought to be sterile. The rumor milling about in the south of The Third Realm is that she is "as sweet as spring". Serai knows that ruling won't be easy, and is about to be put to the test.


The Duke of the Liberi

Duke Raymond Grenlong is the former ruler of the Liberi. He ruled for his neice while she was growing up in The Human Realm. He is her only living kin, and he wants to protect her at all costs, though he knows that he needs to give her room if she is to truely become a fine ruler. He worries about prospects of marriage from the Princely Beings since he does not trust them.


The Lord Guardian

Lord Dimitri Warshantheart is a mysterious being. He arrived as a young boy to Castle Frostovin claiming to be a new Liberi sent to his post in The Third Realm by his mother, who was a First Born. He quickly gained favor with the late King Dov and Queen Carmen, and after Serai was born, was named her guardian. This gave Dimitri power over the military forces of Frostovin and he is second in command under Duke Raymond. It was Dimitri's idea for Serai to grow up in The Human Realm.


The Fourth Prince

Prince Brama is the son of Queen Lilith and Lord Asmond Fell. He's known as the vagabond prince due to his habits of slumming among the common Princely Beings and for his tramp like behavior. He and his half-brother Sommnus crashed Princess Serai's coronation, and from the moment he laid eyes on her, he was infatuated by her beauty. While he has been barred by his mother from courting her, that doesn't mean he won't still try one way or another.


The Third Prince

Prince Sommnus Fell is the thrid prince and son of Queen Lilith and Lord Asterion Fell. He is a rather unique Princely Being as he has been known to have visions of the future through dreams and nightmares despite otherwise being ungifted in terms of casting. He and his half-brother Brama crashed Princess Serai's coronation to confirm that she had returned to The Third Realm. He's a quite soul, but will do anything to protect his family, even his father who is unkind to him.


The Fifth Prince

Prince Advierta Fell is the son of Queen Lilith and Viceroy Beelought Fell, as well as the eldest triplet from his twins Princess Invidia and Prince Venter. He's a natural earth caster who seems to be able to manipulate metal. He's never far from his twin brother, and the two of them have decided to help their half-brother Elatus in courting Princess Serai, so that they can start to be taken more seriously by their fathers.


The Sixth Prince

Prince, or perhaps Princess, Invidia Fell is the only daughter of Queen Lilith and High Admiral Levithorn. She is the middle member of the triplets with her other twin brothers being Prince Advierta and Prince Venter. She is a natural water caster, and is also considered to be one of the most powerful casters among the Princely Beings since she can manipulate underwater currents. She has no interest in Princess Serai, though she does covet something that Serai has that she doesn't.


The Seventh Prince

Prince Venter Fell is the son of Queen Lilith and Lord Maliton Fell and is the final member of the triplets with his older twins being Prince Advierta and Prince Invidia. Venter is a natural earth caster who seems to draw power from the earth itself and uses it to unleash massive amounts of physical strength in very impressive displays. He and his twin Advierta have promised to help their half-brother Elatus in courting Princess Serai.


The First Prince

Prince Ira Fell is the first born son of Queen Lilith and High King Lucition, and is sometimes called the Dragon Prince since he had possession of three dragons, now two. Currently, Prince Ira is suffering from a blood curse that he received from his dragon Davrok during the second war with the Liberi. He longs to be free from his curse, but doesn't know how to break it or heal it despite the best efforts of his personal healer and companion Sombra.


Ira's Personal Healer

Sombra was found out in the woods one day by Prince Ira while he was hunting with his dragons. After he brought her back to the castle, High King Lucition suggested that Ira care for her so that he could have a companion. After an accident with a knife, it was found out that Sombra's blood was capible of lessening the effects of Ira's blood curse. She has been searching for a cure to Ira's blood curse since.


High King of the Nine

High King Lucition is the elected ruler of the Princely Beings, and he takes his position very seriously. He promised his people that they would be able to return to The Human Realm one day. He plans on keeping that promise and finding a way to end his people's exile in The Third Realm. Though now he seems to be relying on his son Elatus to find a more diplomatic solution than simply waiting for all of the Liberi to perish.


High Admiral of the Nine

Levithorn is the eldest of both his kin and his race. He has seen and suffered through much and when asked to be the leader of the Princely Beings he declined and suggested that his younger brother Lucition lead. He had a union with his brother's wife, Queen Lilith, and has a daughter, Prince Invidia. Levithorn loves his daughter more than anyone and seeks to make her the most envied of all Princely Beings.


The Viceroy of the Nine

Lord Beelought Fell is the Viceroy of the Nine, he oversees the day to day tasks of running the kingdom of the Princely Beings and leaves the major executive decisions to his younger brother Lucition. He's a stern and emotionally repressed man, but loves his brothers, especially Lucition. At his brother's request he had a union with Queen Lilith and their son is Prince Advierta. He hopes that his son will be more serious some day soon.


The Lord of Feasts

Maliton is a Lord within his brother Lucition's court and he oversees the food production within the kingdom. He is a burly man who has a soft spot for women and children. At his brother's request he had a union with Queen Lilith and they have a son, Prince Venter. Maliton loves his son but wishes that he would learn to be less childish so that he can one day take over his duties and serve the kingdom better.


The Golden Count

Asmond is a beloved member of his race, as he has endevored to make it so by making sure that everyone who knows him has everything they could possibly need. He loves his brothers and wishes that they would learn to have a little more fun with life. At his brother Lucition's request he had a union with Queen Lilith and has a son, Prince Brama.


The Judge of the Nine



Queen of the Nine

Lilith is the wife of High King Lucition, and mother to the seven princes of the Nine.



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  • Closed World, friends only please.
  • RP is fine but keep it civil and in the realm of the theme or situation the RP is in.


{ please read }

  • Must be a friend to RP.
  • Self-Inserts and non-canon OCs are welcome but bare in mind the setting for The Wars of Seven Princes.
  • Open to most situations/scenarios, please PM if you have questions about a potential scene within a scenario.
  • Will not RP non-con or minor-adult relationships.