giggletoys's Bulletins

Ping List

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by giggletoys

hi! i figured since i have people asking id finally make a post about it so i can organize better >_<

im gonna make ping lists for my characters! (theyll be hidden tabs on their profiles but its just easier for me to remember this way)

if youd like to be pinged for a character if it goes ufo just let me know!! people have asked me in the past but i didnt really have a way to keep track so feel free to ask again OTL you can also ask for pings on characters marked as foreverhome if youd like, things happen and feelings might change so i dont take it personally when people ask on them !! my only hard-no is buddy he is staying with me till the day i die O_O anyways thats it tysm!

i also do pings for adoptables and commissions !