gooberpaws's Bulletins

OK SO. im brainrotting on this (kinda) love triangle in my story and are a couple. and venison USED to be a couple.

been thinking abt. songs that kinda relate to their views/relationship with one anther and i am here to. infodump it onto ur poor souls /silly

first of! Never Love and Anchor, by the Crane Wives. This being Vivian to Venison.

I'm going to. explain the lyrics so that it makes sense just bare with me

"On some level, I think I always understood
That these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever"
Vivian was never the more intuitive person when it came to relationships, being "clumsy" via falling in love with the wrong/bad person. not clever meaning that they never realized the person was hramful to them til it was too late

"And I tried to do the best that I could
But try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to hold you"
however, the things that venison did to them and others while they were together, it still made vivian cautious and almost scared, horrified by what happened that they were too scared to ever show affection.

"It's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest
With this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful"
despite now knowing that venison is a terrible and horrible person, vivian still blames themself for not showing said affection, that if maybe they had shown more compasion and affection to venison and tried to gently change gores way gummy wouldnt have ended up like this. its a secret because it's something theyve never confided to anyone about

"There is love that doesn't have a place to rest
But it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders"
there is still love for venison, the person gnaw used to be. there *was* so much of it that if vivian did show their love via affection is would've been so much, possibly overwhelming. it's love that vivian has never felt since then and holds onto.

"On some level, I think I always understood
That a ship could never really love an anchor
So, I did the only thing that I could
And severed the rope to set you sailing from my harbor"
deep down vivian knew that their relationship just wasnt going to work out, due to a multitude of reasons, that vivian wouldnt survive being in a relationship with venison. which is why she broke it off with the other.

"There are times when I still wonder about you
You are someone I have loved, but never known"
in the end, vivian still thinks about venison a lot (due to the stories setting mostly, but also because of their feelings) and vivian is still very much processing their relationship, years after they broke up. its put vivian in this weird stasis, despite loving and actually having gotten to know venison, she acts as if they dont know stare. as a way to cope and push themself away from everything that the other has done.

"And you'll never see the reasons I had
For keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you"
vivian never thinks that venison will ever see why she left, that venison will never understand what pushed her away. never understand why, even after seeing and knowing about every terrible thing that gummy had done, vivian never once tried to stop bone.

"I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel
I am all the things they might have said to you"
vivian thinks of themself as selfish for choosing to leave venison instead of helping them get better, recent and in the far past. even comparing herself to a terrible person like venison because of it

"Do you ever think of me and my two hands?
And wonder why they never soothed your fevers?
And wonder why they never tied your shoes?
And wonder why they never held you gently?
And wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?"
vivian wonders if venison ever thinks about her, thinks about the reason why vivian was never affectionate. why she was so distant

second, Diet Mnt Dew, by Lana Del Ray for buck to venison
skipping some lyrics because its very reppetitive and some just dont. exactly fit/have a detailed explanation for
"You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want"
buck KNOWS that venison is a terrible person, and terrible for everyone around stare. but hes roped in enough at this point that he doesn't care to try to leave

"Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?"
buck wants there to be something between him and venison, he wants love to be something thats there, but its honestly hard to tell if venison feels love at all. due to how they show affection/emotion

"Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses
'Cause we gonna take a ride
I'm not gonna listen to what the past says
I've been waiting up all night"
buck sometimes does romantic things towards venison, little date nights or whatever. these are typically after something. really bad, as his way to cope with them. unfortunately this kinda. praises venison for those really bad situations so they happen again so its just a really bad cycle

"Take another drag turn me to ashes
Ready for another lie?"
"Says he's gonna teach me just what fast is
Say it's gonna be alright"
these two are. separate but very similar. its basically a situation where venison puts buck in a harmful/stressful/whatever situation and then lies that its going to be alright. theyre separate because theyre different! because sometimes, buck believes vension (as in the second one) but sometimes, he doesnt (the first one)

"Maybe I like this roller coaster
Maybe it keeps me high
Maybe the speed it brings me closer
I could sparkle up your eye"
buck sometiems even gaslights himself a bit, telling himself that he does like the "craziness" of being in a relationship with venison

and as for the repeated lyrics - its also another symbolism, as buck feels like his relationship with venison is a never-ending loop, or repeat, that he cant get out of

ok lasty is Let the World Burn by Chris Grey! this one is venison to buck (im doing doing venison to vivian i will implode /silly)
"Lost in the fog
I fear that there's still further to fall
It's dangerous 'cause I want it all
And I don't really care what it costs"
kinda get a general. gist of venison, wanting everything and anything no matter the cost

" I shouldn't have fallen in love
Look what it made me become
I let you get too close
Just to wake up alone"
a general manipulation tactic, blaming gnaws actions on the other and even making him feel bad via "oh i let you get so close to me emotionaly and you arent even there when i wave up"

"And I know you think you can run
You're scared to believe I'm the one
But I just can't let you go"
bucks. tried leaving before, but he always came back one way or another (either by his own "will" or venison bringing him back) and also saying that buck is scared to believe that theyre meant for each other. also saying that venison cant let buck just leave like that

"I'd let the world burn
Let the world burn for you
This is how it always had to end
If I can't have you then no one can"
classic villain of sacrificing the world for you instead of sacrificing you for the world. but also in the way of just to show buck what gore would do if he did actually leave stare. if veison cant have him, then no one can

"Just to hear you calling out my name
Watching it all go down in flames"
also goes to the point above, would burn the world just to hear buck say gnaws name again, to have him back

"Fear in their eyes
Ash raining from the blood orange sky
I let everybody know that you're mine
Now it's just a matter of time"
AGAIN the point above above, a good part of their relationship is venison love-bombing buck just to pull out this kind of threats

art update

Posted 1 month, 15 days ago by gooberpaws

burned the fuck out of my hand at work chat (chemical burn too :( ) so owed art is being put on hold til i can draw again :((((

hi :3c

Posted 1 month, 17 days ago by gooberpaws

ive just been coding profiles :(
also hi i miss talking to people on here

me when portal 2

Posted 2 months, 15 days ago by gooberpaws

finished a playthrough of it yesterday after not playing it for a hot minute and omg the brainrot
expect portal themed characters, however i make no promises that i wont keep them all

so happy

Posted 2 months, 15 days ago by gooberpaws

getting matching icons for my characters is the best feeling in the world :3

adopt suggestions

Posted 3 months, 6 days ago by gooberpaws

Want some suggestions for adopts!! making a batch :3