
[img][/img] What is a Kralian? Kralian is a mix between a crocodile, dragon, and a large breed of dog, and a pinch of fluffyness! They use to go by the name FCDD but recently they were giving a name for their species. They can grow to about 8-10 ft tall and can grow to being 14 - 17 ft in length which is as long as a salt water crocodile! But recently some have been shorter to about 13 - 16 ft in length, we believe it's because of the climate some live in. Female will always be bigger then the other gender. If it's a hotter climate then they grow longer, colder means their length decrease and their fur grows longer. They can be found with 3 horns in total on their face, 1 on the nose and 2 on the top by their big fluffy ears. Kralian can breath this colorful smoke and this smoke show as how they are feeling, if the smoke is a brighter shade it means their happy, dark shade means back off they are very mad, and if the smoke turns a dull color it means their upset. Their horns always almost matches the colors of their claws. They can not speak in are language, they communicate by grunts and snarls. They can telepathically talk their ones other minds though that has recently been found out, some say their Kralian speaks to them by their minds and that's mostly because once you bond with a Kralian you bond minds too! But that's a myth, right? Kralian are carnivore, meaning they only eat meat! But recently we noticed that when ones stomach is upset they are seen eating wild berries off of bushes. Kralian favorite things to hunt are elks and sometimes the bigger predators around in their territory. They don't mature until they are 4 to 15 years of age! During this time the father takes care of the pups and the female goes hunting. They usually have around 1 - 4 pups a litter. When they are first born they don't have claws, they're just a whole ball of fur and cuteness! With eyes that look way to big for their face and a tail that looks to heavy for them to carry along behind them, but they some how manage to do it. We are unsure where these begins came from but they seem to be tamable, and seem to be able to live with humans cause they have no interest in us. And they seem to make great companions if you have land for them to run around cause they hate to stay inside for long periods. If they're inside for to long they seem to get very bored very easily meaning if you don't want your stuff destroyed make sure they have plenty time to be outside and get rid of their energy! Some people burn these guys energy by riding them around over have them pull things around, they are helpful if you live on a farm! They are big strong beast after all and they don't seem to mind working and helping out! We believe these begins use to be much bigger back in the older days but them seems to shorten down as time went by and the food the preyed on got smaller, to the average size elk that we have now in days. As time goes by we are still sitting here asking our self, What are Kralian's really? [General + Behavior Rules] - Kralian's are a CLOSED Species - You may own unlimited Kralian - No trash talking on here nor on the Discord server - No Guilt tripping / black mailing, a artist for a Kralian (That leads right to a ban!) - No Spam / Drama - No Mini-Mod. If theirs a question or concern the admins or Moderators will handle it! - Roleplays and such are fine to proceed without permission. [Banned Users/Rights] - 3 warnings = a permanent ban. Ban's are permanent no matter the owner. - Theft/Creation/Fake Kralian will lead to permanent ban - If banned your Kralian will be invalided. [Trading/Gifting/Readopting] - Trading requires validated (screenshot) proof of both owners accepting the trade. - No begging for someone else Kralian (That'll lead to a warning) - you may only trade a Kralian if you own them for [12] days max - No cool downs. - the user who posts that their looking for trades is RESPONSIBLE for informing the archive of the trade. - Anyone can put a Kralian up for re-adoption or auction as long as the Kralian is owned by the seller. - May not be sold for real currency UNLESS you have art of that Kralian and or you paid for them.