
What are Simas, exactly?

 Simas are generally social mammals with average length fur and bright hearts. Their body's skeletal structure matches one of a cat with its flexible spine and typically lithe body frame, while the skull and paws resemble ancient canines such as a wolf- an indicator of hybrid genes. Their fur is more abundant around their chest and neck and the fur becomes more coarse as it reaches their tail, from abundant at the base to more coarse until it's pure, soft velvet when it just reaches the jewel guard itself.  Their jewel acts as a weapon for self-defense as well as the guard, sharp against opponents and the jewel is frequently kept clean for courtship and using their powers to their utmost potential.

They are omnivores by design and an adult size ranges anywhere between an adult medium- sized dog to a mountain lion- or, if their genes go back far enough, very rarely can they be the size of tigers. It is unknown if there's any Sima larger than that.

They're often observed in groups, typically families between 20-50 Simas, or they've formed groups based on the power of their jewel which can vary wildly in size. It also isn't uncommon to find Simas living a solitary life. As a species, they're generally docile and can coexist peacefully with other species, but genetically incompatible if it ever came to interspecies breeding due to their hybrid nature.

Countless generations of breeding amongst their ancestors and with one another resulted in random mutations gradually appearing in their kits which could result in both benign and life-impacting results. Unstable genetics mixed with their jewel powers, according to human studies, could also be a result of why kits have a predisposition to being born with bodily mutations. Regardless, few deaths have been recorded as a result of the curious traits they are born with.

➸ Simas are a Closed Species, meaning you cannot make one without permission or a custom ticket.

➸ Simas & items obtained for free in events cannot be sold for USD,  C$, CS pets or any form of currency. They may, however, be traded for  other Simas and Sima items. It must be confirmed in the Archive update  thread before it will be a valid trade.

➸  Sima kits can age after 3 weeks of being created, but cannot breed  until 6 weeks after they are created as they grow through adolescence.

➸ Simas can be co-owned by a max of two users and with permission from the staff.

➸ As of right now, you may only own one Special Sima (ex; #50's,  #100's, or a runner up of either). You may not be gifted one if you  already own one.  *Note that there are two users who owned multiple  special Simas before this rule was set in place and have been  grandfathered in.

➸ Simas may no longer be heavily based off of  copyrighted characters. Any existing Sima is not affected by this and  won't be forced to be revamped. *However, if you'd rather revamp, pm one  of the species owners. (12/16/2019)

➸ This is an LGBT+ friendly community, and any form of harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated.

➸ Be respectful and courteous to the community members around you and  our staff. Do not harass or guilt-trip staff if you don't win a  competition, and do not track down winners of an adopt to ask for the  Sima. Respect goes both ways, so this also includes staff.  

  If you're a community member who's been around since before May 2018 and  weren't aware of our hiatus, and wish to have your Simas in the new  archives so that you can use them, please pm corviidae or an available  archivist with a list of the Simas you own (with proof of ownership if  possible) and a comprehensive list of the items you own with proof. We will not take any items that were neglected to be added to the list, so make sure you have everything together.

➸  If a user doesn't explicitly offer their Sima(s) for breedings or  trades, you are not allowed to pm them asking about their Simas in this  way or make an effort to publicly track them down if they're inactive.  

➸  'Edit hunting', or trying to specifically trade a Sima of lower tier  for a Sima with higher tier edits only is not allowed unless the user  explicitly offers the Sima to you in return. You may not also 'hoard'  Simas for the sake of trade fodder, as that is not what Simas are meant  for. The same goes for items.

.:||:. Sima Staff .:||:.

.species owners.


ChickenSmoothie Species