Welcome to my Toyhouse!

This is where I keep my collection of sillies; simply choose a folder above to check them out!

Each folder + its subfolders will have brief explanations if I feel it is necessary. The main folders are set to flattened, so everyone will show up at once! No need to worry about digging through a billion sub-folders. :'D
My comfort with pings/ offers will be stated in the description of each main folder; though also keep in mind I will not do either for anyone tagged with "forever homed"! Do not take it personally if I reject a ping request/ offer; despite the size of my collection I love all of my guys to bits and I am really awful at trades (as in I don't like getting rid of characters so trading is super hard for me) so even if I am ok with offers on a character it's probably gonna be really hard to get me to wanna trade them.

Storage Account: Crustuu (my story OCs can also be found on there)
Nostalgia Account: Foxtrap9909 (my hoarde of sparkledogs and old OCs)

Also, FEEL FREE TO DRAW MY CHARACTERS !!!!!!!!!! I am never opposed to gift art ever; if you think my character is cool enough to wanna draw them, then I am beyond flattered and will appreciate it for eternity DKSGMG. Literally the only thing I ask is that if you do wanna draw a character of mine, lemme see the art. :3c
And also when drawing my OCs please don't use them to draw hate art or pedo/ zoo wjatever shit. That should go without saying but I'm saying it anyways to cover my bases. Just be respectful with your art and we're chillin'.
(Not opposed to more darker pieces esp. if it fits with an OC's lore there's just. A Line, y'know.)