icecreampizzer's Bulletins

commissions YAY (CLOSED)

Posted 1 month, 2 days ago by icecreampizzer

so, um. YEAH?! I'm opening commissions now! This is a pretty informal bulletin structure, but it's because I'm doing a little test run. I may edit this/make a new one once I feel like I can work with this type of thing.

First order of business, I've completely overhauled my commission site! You can now find my updated prices & terms of service HERE So make sure you read all these! Some options are currently unavailable but I'll eventually add them later.

If you're ready to order, you can fill out my commission form HERE! I'll contact you once I received your responses :]

Since this is a test run (and I should try to ease myself into it), I'll only be opening a limited amount of slots (around 10, the usual). I'll let the form receive responses for a week (May 11), unless I get more than 10 responses, whichever comes first! If it exceeds 10 responses and I can't close it immediately for any reason, I'll choose the orders that interest me most as my first commissions.

I won't reply to those I don't pick for the initial batch, but I'll still save the details until I'm ready to take on more (I'll ping you here if you're still interested by the time I'm done!) Take a peep at my art queue to check :3

And, well, you know. This might not end up working as well as I hoped, but either way, thank you in advance for bearing with me! It might stick, might not! If you've got any feedback and questions, feel free to ask them below!

EDIT (5/5/24): 10 slots have been filled up! Thank you for the interest, though I'm aiming for more openings within the month or two :]

Hey hi! Been a while since I made an update thing. You know how it is <- knee-deep in the fandom trenches for months. Which is also the reason why I haven't opened comms despite . well. making an announcement thing months ago, and also having all the time in the world as I wait for the graduation march (yay!) But the ieytd vicegrip is slowly letting go of my brain so maybe! Soon!!!!

In the meantime, Here's my sheezy account since I realized i never posted it here. I still need to use it more consistently. But I really enjoyed using it when it first opened a few years ago :) and it's a really fun time! Also, since it's that time of year... artfight. I'm still not sure if I'll be joining this year because of the Everything. But I'm also not keeping up with the news so I'll have to check..........

Lastly........I wanted to ask for funsies! Are there any of my ocs you'd like to see more of? I made everyone for logged in users and I ended up not. doing much profile writing. OHHHH well. Ive got a couple characters that I want to write for but we'll see if my motivation gets me to finish. mweheh

Siphonophore Adopts yay!!

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by icecreampizzer

These have been in WIP purgatory for almost. a year now LMAO I just got the motivation to finish 2/3's of this batch. Bid to adopt for now because USD is a big priority, but who knows! I could open this up for ota/mixed offers if they're still up for long :]

Click on their icons to go to their profiles! Go offer there do NOT offer on this bulletin

26945675?1713961600 26945744?1713962123 26945725?1713961967

any rp group recommendations?

Posted 4 months, 7 days ago by icecreampizzer

im just a little curious and it's not a big priority of mine! I was wondering if you guys know of any rp groups that might be fun to get into :) I'd prefer if they were a little newer, but otherwise anything goes :Dc

Well. It's finally happening. I have One (1) more requirement to do for my last semester in uni and Finally I'm gonna be free of this pain!!!!!! Very cool very awesome. Taking the time to catch a break because I've been stressed out of my mind nonstop ever since this year started, and at least it isn't back-to-back like all of my other projects and exams this month.


Feeling like this. Yes I used this exact doodle in another bulletin update. Yes I'll do it again because i CAN!!! I think it was a school-related one too lmao

Anyways! Hopefully I will be able to finish most of my owed art this month. Due to my very free schedule in the next few months I'm planning on opening commissions again on February, once I'm done with my owed arts! No exact date, maybee in the middle of the month?? I still need to update my prices and my Everything for this, since I'm probably gonna be changing how I'll accept slots/work stuff (for example, letting people fill up a form and choosing a few people at a time, and then accept the next batch of people who have also filled out the forms, kind of like a waitlist or something). We'll see how it goes, but I'm basically thinking that I'll have a lot more time to accept more people than I usually do when I open comms. I'll most definitely post another bulletin again a few days before I open them for real so!! yeah!!

Also also, I might also pick up working on my ocs' profiles again, but that's a bit of a low priority for now. I might end up unprivating a lot of them again just for the hell of it, finished or not. whotever

Also also also, this is the end of the bulletin i have not much else to say!! How are yall's new years going so far ? i hope it's been going swell <:]

hi hey. hi. hey. hi. First of all I hope everyone's having a wonderful December, whether you're celebrating the holidays or just enjoying the last few days of da year! I hope it's going swell for all of you, and I wish you all a great new year to come :3c

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm ! Almost done with college, I'm currently on (a frankly very short) Christmas break. I'm super close to finishing my time in college and I'm super excited about that! First obviously I have to face the horrors (finals) but I'm sure I'll manage.

Secondly, thank you to those who participated in my raffle! I already chose the winners for the raffle and I promise I'll get back to them soon for any updates :3c it's been really fun! My one regret is probably I should've organized this a bit better but hey, for my first time it was really fun!! Again it was super nice reading yall's comments, sadly I was never able to reply to everyone due to the sheer number of ppl that commented but!! still, it was a treat :]

Thirdly. it's not yet fully complete but I might as well post it here: I moved my website to a new hosting service!! I also bought a custom domain so YOU, yes you, can just type in and you'll be redirected to my Webbed site!!!! I'm basically overhauling a bunch of stuff, but so far there's not much "visible" differences with the site from neocities, other than some site restructuring. I haven't set up the TIA portion, the art portion, the upcoming commissions portion, and the fandom portion yet because I am. Lazy. Updates are currently slow because I am. Currently. Very obsessed with something new.

Which brings me to the fourth thing I have to say: the game series I Expect You To Die grabbed my braincells like no other and has refused to let go ever since I watched a playthrough of it with Frankie toyhouse user Solobodor. on my birthed day no less. So yeah I've been unable to draw anything else unless it's IEYTD related and it's gotten me through a chunk of this month's school requirements. If you've been following me on my tumblr/twitter you may have seen how much I post about this thing... but I kinda want to show off my fanarts so I'm doing a little showcase like I did with Portal that one time! And hey, if you're into a VR spy escape-room style game series with clever writing and honest-to-god delightful characters, feel free to check it out for yourself!!

No content warnings, I just don't want to make this bulletin too long to scroll through lmao! You've probably seen some of them uploaded here because of my agent peenix profile.






I think this is the first in a long while that I've ever engaged in fandom stuff in this magnitude, with straight up headcanons and whatever else. I am too deep into the trenches now.

Of course, this is somewhat related - I'm super duper sorry I haven't been able to get to people I still owe art to, I promise I'll try to work on them while I'm still on break. I've Got a bunch of fanart ideas I still want to do BUT I'll try to set my priorities a little straighter this time around. Thank you SO much for your patience <:3 !!

Anyways I guess that's it. Stream all three I Expect You To Die intro theme songs . fuck yes (flashing lights warning)


Posted 6 months, 9 days ago by icecreampizzer

It's now my time to change my age in my bios everywhere, oh boy. I'm 23 now! I wanted to make a big ol' announcement about my website today but ah well, that can wait :] ! Otherwise I don't have any big announcements here, other than maybee I'll be able to unlock some characters again - don't worry if I haven't auth'd you, they won't stay private for long!

In the meantime, I've decided to host an art/custom raffle here! Check it out!!     

yippeee (life + art updates)

Posted 6 months, 11 days ago by icecreampizzer

crawling out of a bloody exam to say...I'm alive! I'm gonna be taking it easy this week since i dont have anything Too urgent for the next few days.. I'm gonna try to work on and finish my owed arts (FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I've been distracted working on my site but I'll def try to get these done soon

in other news .... my birthday is in three/two days depending on where you live, wooweeew. fun stuff!!!! dont have anything special planned here but i'll see if i'll change my mind lmao