Calamityverse (2021)

Calamityverse is discontinued due to a lack of an audience and feedback, after working on the series since August 2021. The only time I will pick it up again is if it gains an audience

While I will draw them from time to time, I prefer to put my attention more towards new stories

The information below—and for the characters themselves— is in an indefinite work-in-progress state unless I decide to work on them, but other than that, they are shelved


story creation: 
august 2021

consumable media: 
planetary calamity (2021, finished):

pc: random scenes (2024, ongoing):

spacial calamity: 2020s (earth) (2024, ongoing): 

spacial calamity: zero (silviterra) (2024, ongoing):


this, exists a whole group of timelines and universes because a bunch of people fucks up the entirety of history using gadgets that can allow them to time travel and explore multiple universes. it first starts with the spacial calamity universe, and that creates branches of other universes with differences


calamityverse info is a folder that contains the most important characters of calamityverse as well as holding a place to store information to understand the overall story 

spacial calamity is a universe where the group of people takes different species of aliens and puts them in the past of earth to see how they co-evolve with humans 

(humans are 100% human and the aliens are 100% their own species. they can’t interbreed)

planetary calamity is a universe that exists after the events of the first universe, spacial calamity. this is a universe where (wip) 

(no one is fully human as well as the aliens, in our solar system. they can interbreed)

special light dog single Constellamal shadow cat ld split Cosmalkit sc split eo Chasmapup Single Constellamals orbi closed species sc re-theme e cinnacat feveretro maskey cinna cinnapet