Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Heya, Take a gander at my rules and warnings before you proceed onwards. It's also best not to proceed if you're a minor.

Please Do Not

  • Steal/Trace/Copy my artwork/characters.
  • Claim my characters as your own.
  • Use my characters in role-plays.
  • Heavily inspire/reference off my characters.
  • Kin my characters in general.
  • Create NSFW of my characters.
  • Be rude/aggressive to anyone, even me.

Content Warnings

  • NSFW / Sexual conent
  • Gore / Injury / Violence
  • Drug / Alchohol use
  • Mature Language
  • Death
  • Abuse / Neglect / Abandonment
  • Mental Health Conditions

People will most likely end up here for personal reasons, as for other people to be banned would probably be known from other people making warning posts about others who do wrong. Just know that if you end up on this blocklist, I will and keep evidence against you, whether I share publicly or not. I keep everything. Please do not give my designs to these people. Whatever they have of mine already, so be it, I don't care. They just don't deserve anything of mine anymore.


  • Revyverse, PandoraLights, Shaffee, SoullessAliceTheThot, and 5R0G
    • Not all the same person, but a group of people I had an issue with at the same time. They've all blamed me for their inability to communicate issues with me and gotten upset with many petty things. They instead just aided in my mental and emotional health getting worse around them despite my constant asking them to communicate and my leaving the server twice to get myself back together. They mocked me for my opinions of who I am for my race and mocked my sexuality, then tried spreading how much of a horrible person I am undeserving of friends, when these issues were still of their fault and they twisted things to a very gross level telling people this. Safe to say, whatever they try to say against me, I have evidence against them by their own words and the fact they allowed this to happen for months before deciding to remove me without saying anything to me directly.
    • Side note: Revyverse constantly changes their name, I will not be constantly updating this. Just know that they're blacklisted reguardless of what name they update too, and it's too annoyingly frequent to keep up with them especially since I do not care to keep updating their name either. Only happened to know one of their current account names because they unblocked me.
  • ComatoseCatz
    • A guy who gets incredibly aggressive even if you say something neutral. Would constantly use certain things about himself to end up using that money for adopts instead of properly taking care of himself or saving for things he wants. Constantly started issues with me and others over nothing. It's a mess.
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