Forest Divided OCs

Forest Divided / Rising

This started off as Forest Divided with MarshClan and StoneClan as the main two Clans.

Flamestar served as the leader of StoneClan, and MarshClan with Kel playing Houndstar.

The two Clans would encounter a number of problems before eventually a storm came, separating the two and causing MarshClan's total collapse. Flamestar, along with Adderflame, a pregnant Dustspring, Sootskip, Rainpaw, Squirrelpaw, and Cedarpaw would make a shelter out of a barn. Somewhere during this period Flamestar and Dustspring would find an abandoned Lavenderkit and take her in as well.

Flamestar would stumble across Sootskip and Cedarstep's bodies in the downpour, blood everywhere. Rainfrost had killed her father and brother, and disappeared into the storm. Squirreltail, being terrified for her life and grieving her brother and father, would take off. Flamestar would be left with Adderflame, Dustspring, Lavenderkit and eventually Juniperkit and Honeykit when they were born.

Moons later, Flamestar and company met Wolfsight, and this sparked her to re-create StoneClan. Wolfsight was the deputy Flamestar had always wished for in the previous days of StoneClan.

The storm soon subsided after lasting over a moon, and this allowed for Flamestar to seek out a new territory with the cats she had remaining. Dustspring would become her medicine cat under the agreement she could raise her children still, and Lavenderpaw would be apprenticed to Dustspring, sharing her love for herbs and having a close bond with her adoptive family.
Wolfsight would agree to become deputy, and Flamestar was content with her choice.

Over the moons, StoneClan would face unrest in PineClan about their arrival, the return of Rainfrost who took the lives of many cats, severe drought and famine, a rogue group consisting of cats familiar to those in the Clans, and lastly, the death of Flamestar and rise of a dictator in the Forest; Violetstar.

StoneClan is currently being led by Violetstar, and PineClan is currently being led by Thrushstar.