
Cafe Central F0UFt6W.png

Friendly Urban Busy

The main city for mixed species living in Midveil. It's a mix of urban with a suburban area too with plenty of nature nearby if denizens tire of the city after a while. It's an ideal place to settle down for a while and make a name for yourself or just have a normal life with easy access to shops and restaurants. Not all folks are friendly but the general vibe of Cafe Central is nice. It's also where you'll find quite a few of the most well-known midveilers there are.

Photo by Ruvim Miksanskiy on Unsplash

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Beachy Serene Picturesque

Oceanside is adjacent to Cafe Central and is a small beach town with a more cold-water beach aesthetic. It's not uncommon to see crafts made with sea glass and driftwood and the water is a comfortable temperature for swimming for a very narrow window in the summer. Some portions are flat beaches with soft fine grain sand while others have rocky cliffs abacking the ocean with sea-colored houses facing toward the water on them.

Photo by Chor Tsang on Unsplash

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Skyward Dreamy Magical

A strange land inhabited natively by the jollybeans who prefer to stay close to the temple and not mingle with other species. It is home to dreamers and scientists alike and is a place where great minds in magic and science come together to learn and hone their crafts. Building architecture varies from more mundane to ornate to bizarre and color is key in setting things apart. All might not find themselves welcome but a large amount will find themselves eagerly accepted in Dreamhaven.

Photo by Zetong Li on Unsplash

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Rural Wild Sylvan

On the border of Cafe Central on one side is the great woods full of unknown creatures and magic as well as the wilder strudels of the midveil. Another side leaads out to Green Acres and the fields beyond where those who prefer to work the land and live a more rural life can make a home. Both environments take work to survive in but both are rewarding despite their challenges. Still, life there is not for everyone and it sends many mids running back to Cafe Central.

Photos by Simon Godfrey and Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

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Snowy Mountainous Cozy

Far outside of Cafe Central lays a valley that is blanketed in snow come winter at the foot of a monutain that is covered in snow most of the year. The lovely town of Faehearth is a picture of cozy wood with some touches reminiscent of more ancient inhabitants of midveil. The extra fluffy counting sheep of the region have their wool spun into beautiful fabrics that are the trade of the town. Some sheep herders choose to live and keep their flocks partially up the mountain.

Photo by Dana Andreea Gheorghe on Unsplash