﹙ ✰ » fischers ﹚

﹙ ✰ » fischers ﹚

❝ the fischer family .

​sometimes, family isn't always the easiest to deal with. in fact, they may just push you to do things you never once considered prior. same saying goes for the fischer clan, the remaining three members of which are a trio of siblings. the relationship between them is nothing short of frighteningly strained. teddy, the youngest and perhaps one of the most altruistic people, strives to keep the three of them together through thick and thin. running a farm together isn't the easiest task to begin with, especially so when her elder two brothers find themselves bickering and berating not only one another, but herself included. sawyer, the eldest, is perhaps the most volatile. he's recently returned from a several decade long stint in the confederate army, having spent years of his life climbing the rants with his precision scoping skills. all that thorough effort came crashing down rather horrifically before his very eyes, a heavy and sudden reliance on alcohol granting him a dishonourable discharge and a one way trip back to the fischer farm. he's hardly ceased his drinking, has in fact doubled it over the last few years. wyatt, the middle sibling, is possibly the most disconnected. he's always been the black sheep of the family, sandwiched between the likes of his overachieving older brother and an adoring baby sister who wanted nothing more than his copious amounts of attention. he was quick to grow distant from their father with age, prone to getting into screaming matches about what he could do with his life and how the senior fischer had no authority over him. with the passing of their father but a few years prior, and the farm being given in teddy's name, it was no thought at all where her aggressions could be directed. sawyer implodes upon hearing the news, takes the legal documentation and spits upon it in anger. he felt as the eldest, the farm should be gifted to him, no matter how poor he was at taking care of the place.

​the wars between siblings are always going to be bitter, and the fischer trio exemplify this perfectly. teddy had found herself heartbroken with the passing of their late father, but entirely enthused with the idea of taking care of the farm for the rest of her life. the elder two fischers disagree with this sentiment, lash out with both violence and emotional attacks alike, beating her down until she's little more than a farmhand to them. lacking an education that would allow her to read and write, sawyer knowingly keeps teddy from ever gaining the knowledge, aware that her ability to sign off on the documentation would mean the farm was officially in the possession of his younger sister. the mere thought drives him to drink more and more, does nothing but laze about on the sofa and scream at teddy until every chore is done perfectly with the precision he seeks, both outdoors and indoors. wyatt is little more than his lap dog, the sheer hilarity of having gone from arguing for adult freedoms from his father to mutely following his eldest brother's commands not entirely lost on him. teddy, day in and day out, endures abuse at the hands of her loved ones. they're still her family, and still her blood, and the farm still needs her. though, this doesn't quite stop her gaze from befalling a local georgia known outlaw who begins taking ever so kindly to the little rancher and her poor sibling squabbles.

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