

A dystopian, post-apocalyptic realm in which the Egyptian and Norse gods co-exist. (as well as a few non-official gods lmao)

Carter and his friends are on a quest to find and destroy a key element that could bring the world of Creccurat to even further ruin.

A world once green and filled with life, Creccurat is a realm in which Apophis had achieved swallowing Ra and prevented sunrise. A group of Norse demigods and hosts of egyptian gods had teamed up together to seal Apophis away, battling children of Loki and the evil god himself before managing to seal Apophis away. However, they paid with their lives. 

Creccurat had been freed from Apophis, but the scars from his reign have never gone away. Greenery no longer exists, and most of the realm has been replaced by scores of desert. Mountains have risen in the middle of cities, splitting through deserts and through seas. The oceans have seen damage as well; the waters are forever stained red. 

Nevertheless, humanity has persevered with the help of the Norse gods as the Egyptians have slept, gathering in the ruins of cities and creating a new system of rule, where a descendant of the Sacrificed sits on the throne. 

Almost 300 years later, Creccurat is thriving. However, so is evil. With a new threat looming over the realm, Carter and his friends must find a way to save their world from ruin once more. 

name possibilities

Sachiea (city, capital?)


The Crimson Sea (red ocean duh)

Uzatall (smaller city)


Yuttoven (city of crime)


characters needed drawn

Scyther- rogue who teaches carter how to fight. 

carter's fuckin mother omg how did i forget this


Carter- main protagonist. descendant of one of the Sacrificed, the host of Ra. was supposed to be next in line but went 'ya no' nd left. Born in Sachiea, left to Yuttoven for some excitement. Dumb prince got robbed pretty bad nd ended up being saved by Atrios. dumb boy be drinking dumb bitch juice

Familiar: N/A

Atrios- lab experiment gone wrong. shapeshifter. part valkyrie. seems about 23/24 but in reality he's like 100. tries to fight people. Carter helps him calm down and in return, Atrios swears to protect him. later gets influenced by loki and set, struggles with not giving into the evil and Carter doesn't know what to do.

Familiar: none

Maggie- mysterious, eccentric librarian who helps Carter find the artifact. Lives deep in Yuttoven, but is respected by many there. as a result her place is the safest in Creccurat. seems regal and refined, but is just a regular commoner. has incredible wit and a sharp tongue to match. Carter's biological mother.

Familiar: N/A

Scyther- rogue traveller who ends up on Maggie's doorstep. meets Carter and can immediately tell he's a Descendant. sides with Carter and teaches him how to fight and in-depth survival skills. 

Familiar: Kidd

Reuben - current king of Creccurat and Carter's biological father. Always put a lot of pressure on Carter to be the best prince he could be, which ended up with him leaving. Blames himself for Carter running away and will stop at nothing to get his son back.

Familiar: N/A

Shalem- queen of Creccurat. was discovered she was barren after two years of marriage to the king. desperate, she makes a deal with maggie for carter and ends up screwing maggie over, raising carter as her own. misguided but good intentions. 

Familiar: N/A